Leaving This Time For Good (1 Viewer)

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Mar 23, 2015
Ok I feel I better say this and hopefully something is done about it.

So another group of admins leave/resign and now I can see more and more !call used DeadSworn left because he got tired he wanted me to be admin so he could help me be senior one day but no people have to say of but you left you won't get it.

I am tired of the bullshit from people because look I see to much shit in Dodgeball when no admin is around and I wanted the chance to stop it but stil people have to state that my past is worse, a admin Joe left 3 TIMES and still is accepted I leave ONCE and people are throwing fits about me fucking applying.

What the fuck do I have to do in order to get people to know that I am who I am you ain't changing that.

So I have made up my mind since I know how this community works now


P.S Go ahead and party I know you all hated me anyway peace out Panda I am gone
There is a lot more story about you than joe, also this isn't about the fact that we prefer joe over you. It's just that our general opinion on you isn't really that great to be honest. But well, goodbye then. Best of luck in whatever community you will find.
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The light...i can see the light!
Bye, till next week where you will write another:"I am back, sorry guys" thread :)

Also, define
Is it only from the forum ? or also from the servers ? That's too abstract for a leaving thread.

PS : Don't worry, the callbot is doing fine, i'm taking good care of him
Positivity wasn't the key huh?

We all predicted that this would happen, you did the same thing with BoG ans Exp, left as fast as you got declined.

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Ok I feel I better say this and hopefully something is done about it.

So another group of admins leave/resign and now I can see more and more !call used DeadSworn left because he got tired he wanted me to be admin so he could help me be senior one day but no people have to say of but you left you won't get it.

Because a server being in need of an admin should lead any community to accept every single retard that comes by and applies, right?

I am tired of the bullshit from people because look I see to much shit in Dodgeball when no admin is around and I wanted the chance to stop it but stil people have to state that my past is worse, a admin Joe left 3 TIMES and still is accepted I leave ONCE and people are throwing fits about me fucking applying.

Yea because the leaving is all that's wrong, isn't it? Apart from that you're just a friggin' saint.

What the fuck do I have to do in order to get people to know that I am who I am you ain't changing that.

Well, exactly what you did: this. Because now everyone is reminded of the whiny little shit you are.

So I have made up my mind since I know how this community works now

Yea, the community wasn't so fucking retarded to accept Ciro, Joe a third time, and you. You are so fucking burnt up on becoming admin that you cannot look objectively at anything. No, because of this you did not magically get insight into the inner workings of this place. You have not magically seen through all of its faults now just because you could not get the tag you wanted so desperately. You're just frustrated and because you think that you've magically gone through a second fucking puberty in the last two months you find it weird that you were not accepted, and you feel the need to reduce the reasoning of being declined to one act of leaving.

At least Joe buckled up and took the shit he got. I was against him getting a third chance, still am, but if I had to choose between him getting that and you getting denied, I would have gone with him any day.

Grow the fuck up already.
Because a server being in need of an admin should lead any community to accept every single retard that comes by and applies, right?

Yea because the leaving is all that's wrong, isn't it? Apart from that you're just a friggin' saint.

Well, exactly what you did: this. Because now everyone is reminded of the whiny little shit you are.

Yea, the community wasn't so fucking retarded to accept Ciro, Joe a third time, and you. You are so fucking burnt up on becoming admin that you cannot look objectively at anything. No, because of this you did not magically get insight into the inner workings of this place. You have not magically seen through all of its faults now just because you could not get the tag you wanted so desperately. You're just frustrated and because you think that you've magically gone through a second fucking puberty in the last two months you find it weird that you were not accepted, and you feel the need to reduce the reasoning of being declined to one act of leaving.

At least Joe buckled up and took the shit he got. I was against him getting a third chance, still am, but if I had to choose between him getting that and you getting denied, I would have gone with him any day.

Grow the fuck up already.
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For me, it's always really funny to play with you and you are great guy. I dont even care about your past, we all have dark past.

But everytime , when your app gets decliened, you are leaving? is this some kind of revolution? I bet, we are going have another apology tread, as Kevin wrote.

Little advice, grow up , dont bother , if someone's are talking about your past, dont give any fucks about that. I hear alot shit about my past, and I dont care, if I start to think my past, it's only makes me depressed. There is one important thing, be happy and be yourself.

We all unique persons, we always have enemys. What kind of life that is, if we dont have any enemys? I think that will be really stupid and boring.

I really hope we will play again soon as possible

Stay awesome , be a ::cool::
Let me just slowly push this video in to this thread..

For those who don't get it, it's a vine meme where you put this song into a vine and dance to it. lel
Bye michael was great to play with you.In my opinnion you dont have to leave just yet but oh well whatever
Because a server being in need of an admin should lead any community to accept every single retard that comes by and applies, right?

Yea because the leaving is all that's wrong, isn't it? Apart from that you're just a friggin' saint.

Well, exactly what you did: this. Because now everyone is reminded of the whiny little shit you are.

Yea, the community wasn't so fucking retarded to accept Ciro, Joe a third time, and you. You are so fucking burnt up on becoming admin that you cannot look objectively at anything. No, because of this you did not magically get insight into the inner workings of this place. You have not magically seen through all of its faults now just because you could not get the tag you wanted so desperately. You're just frustrated and because you think that you've magically gone through a second fucking puberty in the last two months you find it weird that you were not accepted, and you feel the need to reduce the reasoning of being declined to one act of leaving.

At least Joe buckled up and took the shit he got. I was against him getting a third chance, still am, but if I had to choose between him getting that and you getting denied, I would have gone with him any day.

Grow the fuck up already.
I like how honest Evo is xDD
Just throws his opinion at ur face lol
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Give him 2 weeks.

He will shit talk his stories to another community that doesn't want him and then he'll be back.
Unlucky for you, hopefully 3rd time is the charm if he chooses to come back.

Love you Doc. You back-chatting bullshitter <3

-Love from everyone from BlackOut and ExP.
we all have dark past.
No, Batman had a dark past. Most people here just had a retard past and will always have a retard present and a retard future.
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