Accepted King_Rejan's Ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 18, 2023
Name of your Banned Steam Account: ♛King_Rejan♛

Steam ID 32:

Date and Time of the Ban: 2023-03-18 17:22:06

Reason about the Ban: uplicate account

Admin that Banned you: CONSOLE

Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: Hello. I was wrongly banned because I never duplicated my account. I don't even know how it's done. I don't even have a reason to do that because the server is fun to play. I hope it's just a mistake. I look forward to prompt reply.

Can you explain this account?

Can you explain this account?
This is my brother's account, playing on a different computer, maybe the console got confused because of the same network address. You can see that both my account and my brother's were on the "trade" server at the same time. Other people (my friends) can confirm that this second account belongs to another person.
I wouldn't normally do this as I'd need your brother to appeal too but I'll remove both account bans and the IP ban.

Since you live in a country where they are known to recycle IPs it's not you or your brother's fault you've been flagged by CONSOLE on an old hacker ban, so if this happens again feel free to contact me privately via steam / discord / forum PM.
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