Jump_Zone First 50 level test release (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Hey guys, here is the bsp for my map Jump_Zone. there are 50 levels so far out of the 73 that there will be once i am finished.
The courses are alphabetical as you will see with the tier and difficulty increasing each course eg c1 is t1, c2 is t2, C3 is t3, C4 is t4, C5 is t5 and C6 is t5

However C6 currently only has two jumps which aren't t5 standard but it will be soon :3

Warning in advance, the map is full bright, really sorry but with this scale i have to light everything at the end.

Don't use any black walls, some are shootable because i still have some plans for those jumps so just don't use them. Black floors can be pogo'd and will teleport you accordingly.

Strongly advise you type in console sv_cheats 1 and the hurtme -1000000000
This greatly reduces the chance of you dying from sync jumps.

Besides that I hope anyone that tries this map out enjoys, it is far from done so keep that in mind.

If you don't know how to do a jump either add me on steam or reply here and i'll answer asap.
Mainly talking about the purple jumps, the last two i made are a bit of a puzzle, but dont want to spoil it for anyone that wants to figure them out. But to hint E6 - Rocket Race.

C9 Jumpoff (crouched) Bounce or Walkoff (uncrouched) Bounce or ceiling hit (crouched) Bounce
D3 ceiling hit (crouched) Bounce
E2 Walkoff (uncrouched) Bounce


Currently two connected and one unconnected if you want to try it out (noclip)
Orange( C2 walkoff uncrouched bounce, pogo behind to the bonus)
Green (D4 at the end of the green runway)
Purple (Unconnected, can get to with noclip) - still in development though

Feel free to just noclip around and test jumps out then let me know what you think.

If anyone wants to help test the upcoming t5 jumps that I will be making in the future, i'm talking t5 wall pogos and syncs, hit me up and let me know I need people with that ability to help out.

Thanks to anyone that tries this out and all feedback is welcome


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Just incase anyone doesn't know:

Download the bsp and put in your tf2 maps folder, open game and type in console: map zonetest

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