Accepted Joey's ungag appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Apr 19, 2022
SourceBans Ban URL:
Name of your Banned Steam Account:joey
Date and Time of the Ban: 2020-07-23 15:51:03 / Permanent
Reason about the Ban:Foreign Language
Admin that Banned you: A Wild Tryhard
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: If im gonna be completely honest i barely remember speaking any sort of foreign languages because i speak english for the most part. The one and only time i remember speaking a foreign language was warning a polish guy to not speak polish on the server or he might get gagged. Well im not gonna speak any sort of language other than english but tbh the gag wasnt really affecting me but ill still appeal here because i do want to speak to my friends or people over all sometime. Sorry for taking ur time.
I've talked with @Cheese Gaming (Tryhard) and he doesn't remember much about you other than you were some random that he gagged.

However its been a year and I think I can give you a chance here. Don't make me regret this decision buddy.
I'll lift the gag but be warned that if you get punished again, it will be a very long time before you can appeal that punishment. I highly encourage you to read the general rules before you make a little oopsie.

Accepted, thanks for your time.
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