I'm stepping down as Head Admin (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
The title says it. I hereby wish to step down from my position as staff manager.

Lately I have been getting more and more tired of things in the community, mainly regarding my position in it. I cannot be bothered to update threads anymore; I have not set up a third trial check-up; I waited long with going over and accepting the latest apps. Regarding the latter, when I did accept them three days back or so, all I thought was “yay, more staff members… I guess…”. I am only going to go further downhill from here. I have put a lot into this community, especially over the last three months, but now I am simply done.

I am rather hesitant putting my exact reason here because I know the reaction I will get. But I feel like I should voice myself, anyways. So one of the reasons is why many admins have already left: I’m getting increasingly tired of Kevin. I have gotten so attached to the community over the one and a half years I have been here that it is hard on me to say that, but it is true. Things take a long time to get implemented; I have had to explain things multiple times; and I feel like the community – including me – are not being heard. These things have been said many times. Now I am saying them as well. Some examples of these things would be:
  • The MLG Sniper files not being added a week or two after mermite sends them
  • Mermite not being promoted because, and I quote, his mentors who authorised that decision are “his friends”, which has never been and should not now be an issue
  • Sourcebans problems that are still not fixed
  • The rule menus which have been high priority since December and are now still not done. I know Kevin will say that they’re being done right now, but it will still have taken three months by the time it will have been done. A top priority issue that determines the efficiency of the community and its administration, taking a quarter of a year. If that does not illustrate the efficiency issue, I do not know what will.
The past two weeks, every time there was an issue I wanted to see solved or an opinion I wanted to bring in, I held my tongue. I will just push for these changes, it will take a lot of effort and arguing to even have them established, then it will take a long time while the issues keep piling up. And I’m just done having to be that guy who is depended upon to involve myself in everything and try to have them pushed through. The Jailbreak discussions being a prime example. I’m just really not feeling like involving myself in these things anymore.

Secondly, lately I have been feeling a change in the community overall. Perhaps it is just my own change of mood, but I sense a difference in the community. Things don’t feel as good as they used to in general. This is amplified because I am so deep into the community. When I was (and will again be) a regular gameserver admin, I was not as involved into everything. Now that I am Head Admin, I find myself in so deep. And it makes everything I have mentioned feel worse.

I somehow feel like Panda is slowly in a downward spiral, and something will happen soon that will trigger a decline and things will start to fall apart. I am not saying that I am jumping off the ship before it sinks. I just think that it is time for Panda to sink or swim; without me coordinating things. I never expected to become Head Admin and fix everything. I became Head Admin so that I could keep the community alive as best as I could. I tried to improve staff efficiency, and I like to think that I have done so. But fact remains that Panda is still an unprofessional community, and I cannot change that. I do not feel like I have failed or anything, but because of the reasons I have outlined I think it is time for me to step down and see how the community is going to get along. If many people disagree on my view and see potential in a future Panda, I will probably perform and coordinate one last check-up before officially stepping down.

As I have already stated before, I would like to stay as a regular gameserver admin. I just want to be released of the responsibility of staff managing. I will keep playing around and hanging on the forum. Not sure for how long, that will probably depend on what the Mumble group decide to do in the near future. As long as they are here, I will remain here as well. Perhaps under the new staff manager if one happens to step up.

So I think I have said just about everything. Though this is not goodbye, it is still the end of an era. I will gladly pass on any knowledge needed over to a potential new staff manager. The guide may be used and distributed in the same boundaries as it is currently already circulating in.

So thanks for the opportunity to take up this position. I will now lay it down because I can no longer do it. The fact that I have more to do than ever for University does not help, either.

- EvoWarrior5

EDIT: almost forgot. Any admin can still reach me with questions regarding gameserver administration. Outside of Jailbreak of course.
RIP you will be missed ;_;
I just shed a tear :(
OP is being a faggot again
so you are still staying here but not as an head admin anymore.?

I'll still be a regular admin and I'll be just as active on the forums. I'll just soon no longer be the staff manager, which, with over 40 staff members and the questionable issue of who can take the managing task upon them now, is still highly reportable.

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