I have returned (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
You brought this all unto yourselves
Should not have tampered with this hell
Opening the book your last mistake
These haunted woods shall be thine grave

I have returned to reign over the forums and crush low quality posters and posts alike. Be met with horror as brutality and internet hatred are the only things driving this keyboard to do work and each press may crush its opponents and turn an army of shitposting into an example.

You will further remember this day as the day the dark returned and swallowed all, for once met with a ban, you shall never see the sun rise again.

Death to all but metal.
Hi, Welcome back, I hope you Enjoy your stay.



You brought this all unto yourselves
Should not have tampered with this hell
Opening the book your last mistake
These haunted woods shall be thine grave

I have returned to reign over the forums and crush low quality posters and posts alike. Be met with horror as brutality and internet hatred are the only things driving this keyboard to do work and each press may crush its opponents and turn an army of shitposting into an example.

You will further remember this day as the day the dark returned and swallowed all, for once met with a ban, you shall never see the sun rise again.

Death to all but metal.

How cute.
may your sword be a crimson brush that paint the land red with the blood of your ennemies. all noobs and any dog that dare object to your return are now shivering waiting for the judgement as you return. welcome back.
I hope you like metallica, if you truly are the devil's son himself.

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