I Got Banned For LITERALLY Doing What An Admin Told Me To Do (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Sep 28, 2014
The admins name is EvoWarrior5 and when he banned the blatantly obvious hacker i said finally then he said be more ungrateful please canadian so i said ok took ya long enough and he said something along the lines of a little more respect please and i said well you said be more ungrateful so i did :p then he banned me. that is the exact words apart from the line i couldnt remember properly you can check the command box or something from between the time 'A Blatantly Obvious Hacker' and I were banned or something idk but i REALLY dont think its fair that i got a 24hr ban for literally doing wat this abusive admin said.
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Like stalker said, edit this thread following the unban template. Everyone has to use it, so it would be unfair to answer you when you have not.
Not to undermine your authority, Illikal, but I'm replying now. Normally I would wait for him to edit it but I have to go to a birthday in a few minutes and I don't know when I will be online again, so I'd rather do it now.

Let's look at what happened from my point of view. I was watching an episode of Miranda (hilarious show by the way) and when I put it off full-screen I see I got a report. What's that? A hacker on the Hidden? Better go check it out. I immediately start up the game as soon as I see it, and join as quickly as my laptop will allow me to.

When I am in the server I spectate the player; he is the Hidden. Can't really do anything there, since I could hardly see any hacking going on with a guy who uses purely a melee weapon. I already had my finger ready on the ban button, I was just waiting for the round to end so I could see him play against the Hidden. Sure enough, the moment he fired a shot the next round I saw there were hacks there, so I banned him right away. Because the banning had been delayed already I didn't even take the time to record him for a bit - which I normally do for evidence in case they appeal.

Usually when I ban a person like that people are happy about it. But what do I get out of you? A "finally". Please consider that from my point of view considering everything I have just told you. I bust my ass over to the server as soon as I can to help you with the hacker, and you apparently think I wasn't fast enough yet. Yea it took a few minutes because he was Hidden. He looked skilled and experienced, so it may have been a mistake to think he was a hacker, who knows? I don't take chances there, so of course I'm not going to ban him because he got reported for something I can't see yet. But as I have told you, I banned him literally the second I could see it.

When I said "be more ungrateful, please" I was obviously being ironic. I meant that you should be a bit more grateful for what I did. And then you said "took ya long enough" followed by "you told me to be more ungrateful so I did : P". Maybe you saw that as a joke, but I didn't consider it so at all. So I called you an idiot and banned you for a day for Admin disrespect. The "idiot" part is the only thing I regret there; I am normally above that.

Next time, please take our point of view into consideration before you throw comments at us. It was only a day, I have seen worse punishments being given out to people who disrespected admins.

- Evo

EDIT: I just looked at your chatlog and you appear to insult quite a lot. I have given you a three-day silence for that (so about two and a half days from when your ban will be over), and I request that you stop the insulting when it is over.

For reference sake:
My log: http://gameme.panda-community.com/player_histories/chat/915999
Canadian's log: http://gameme.panda-community.com/player_histories/chat/700845
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Well from what i saw in his chat log,i am surprised that you said only "idiot".:) You were wrong on insulting true but what he said to you was just...stupid.You did your job so i think that he should say "Thank you" and also "Sorry"
It seems to be the new meta to make an appeal and then ignore everything that happens on it and simply wait until your ban is over. May as well have made an admin report in that case.

Oh well, guess we don't need this thread anymore.
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