Declined Hehe Troll's Admin Application #5 (1 Viewer)

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hehe troll

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2017
"(A boring William clone)"

Steam32 ID [this is NOT a profile link; you can find out how to get your steamID here: ]

Your age
17 (literally today)

Current playtime on relevant server(s) [Found here: look up your name or ID and check your profile in the relevant game mode]
HLStatsX - Hehe Troll
13d 22:20:35h

Link to your Sourcebans record [Found here: search for your Steam32 ID, not your name]

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?
Semicolon Backslash and Madact (From Madact in a previous application; yet it was extended to yesterday.)

Server you are applying for
Panda-community US | Jailbreak

General online times & time zone

Usually weekends from 14:00 (2PM) - 23:00 (11PM) CEST on saturdays, and around 8AM to 16:00 (4PM) on sundays
Current timezone of application is the Central European Time (CET) timezone. (GMT+1)

Do you have a working microphone? (This is required for Jailbreak admins)
Yes. I do.

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator (Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)

I was a Discord moderator in a 100k+ member server, which ran pretty smoothly.
I believe I also helped moderate a Minecraft server before once, which was pretty popular. yet.. it died out like a few months later.. But.. I was pretty good at running it, others thought.

Also, I know when someone is breaking the rules and I'd be more than happy to assist the current admin team in covering times that they aren't available in.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate? (Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.)
Heyo. Jailbreak. Is my passion. It's the most fun gamemode I've played for a few months now. I know my sessions are not really devided evenly across the week, but that's because I have sort of busy private life in the weekdays. I intentionally play for a long time in the weekends because I want to take a small break from school there, and that is the best way to devide the week.
So the reason why I think I should be moderator is because I see a lot of freekillers, micspammers, kids who don't know the rules, etc. To be frank, I have had kind of enough of rulebreaking people. I have made many calls yet those don't do anything when you're on at the wrong times. If I'm on I would be very happy to know I'm not relied on someone else to fix the issue the entire server is dealing with.

I would really like to support the current admins in the moderation job, and I've been looking forward for a really long time to becoming an admin for I was told from feedback from the previous applications that my timezone was what the team needed. I have worked my way up from being a complete stranger to becoming a well-known member in the community. (As you can see by my status on the forums :D)
Honestly, the real admin application is all the people I've met along the way. It's been such a fun ride from start to finish, and I'm not even at the finish line yet. I love every minute of it. even though there's only 10 for each round
I love every interaction with all the people I've met, from the micspammers to the mfkers, the admin abusers.. ahh the wonderful world of jailbreak!

My punishment ladder that I will enforce will look something along the lines of this:
For chat-related rulebreaking: (overtalking, (mic)spamming)
1st-3rd warning = Verbal warning
4th-7th warning = mute/gag
8th warning = permamute

For gameplay-related rulebreaking: (freekill, (button) griefing, baiting)
1st/2nd warning: Slay + Verbal warning
3rd warning: 6 hr guardban
4th warning: 3 day guard ban
5th warning: 1 week guard ban
6th warning: 2 week guard ban
7th warning: permaban

For serious infractions: (Cheating; aimbot, wallhacks, ammo glitching, etc.)

Perma guard ban +1 week server ban

For extreme infractions: (Intentional server crashing)
1st infraction: 1 day server ban
1 week server ban
3rd: permaban

I really hope I can help you guys soon on the moderation team! <3
Kind regards,
Hehe troll.
"No punishments of any kind on record in the last 1.5 months"

"No punishments of any kind on record in the last 1.5 months"

I've notived that now yes, please forget this was ever a thing and move on.
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Hello hehe troll, I'm going to keep this short. You've been teambanned twice over the past 1.5 months, both for denying and refusing to do an LR that was being done for a few consecutive rounds:

To me, this does not look good for your app. Besides the fact that you got both teambans within the span of a month and it's only been a total of 1.5 months between your first teamban and this app, it gives me the impression you aren't someone who is very patient and will deny LRs and ignore certain rules to relieve your irritation.

I've notived that now yes, please forget this was ever a thing and move on.

Sorry but for this app, and given how recent it was, it can't be ignored when making a vote on this app.

I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to give you a -1.
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  • No punishments of any kind on record in the last 1.5 months
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