Accepted Hawwis' application [Hightower TDM #06] (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
- Your name and/or nickname :

Hawwis, simply Tim in real life.

- Your age :
15, 16 on May 6th.

- Who gave you permission to apply? :
No one, I am above the age of 15 and if need be, I can get permission from Falcon.

- Your Steam2 ID

- Your general online times and your timezone :
GMT+2, Lithuania, usually online from 3 PM(1PM GMT 0) to 12-1 AM ( that's when Steam is always on), I play Team Fortress 2 a lot, so activity isn't a problem.

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for?
Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report? : I have 17 days on Hightower TDM #06, so I would spend most of my time there monitoring activity. People do seem to be very rude on that server, and it's something that's gotten out of hand recently.

- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins) :
Yes. An integrated laptop microphone on a HP Envy TS 15 laptop. Teamspeak is also present. Skype is always on and Steam Messaging on tablet is also a thing. ( just mentioning ways of contacting me)

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator :
Moderator in Minecraft 4 years ago or so, officer of a raiding guild in World of Warcraft ( since 2014-11-16)

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
Sadly, no. First time I've applied for such a position in a game using SourceMod.

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team? :
I've played on your servers since August and I've witnessed horrible acts over time. 9 year old child being harassed and called various, very insulting things for playing Call of Duty, impersonation, being inappropriate and rude to other people in general. Although I am known as a tryhard and new people like to call me things like a heartless arse and such, I do actually care about what's being said and other people - I've been called a social justice warrior on the internet a lot of times for protecting homosexuals, defending children and trying to stop cyberbullying in general. Other admins don't really visit #06 as much as it needs to be visitted, so I've decided to apply for the position of admin to enforce the rules that have been broken countless of times without punishment.

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.
Minor insults like "suck my richard" would be given a warning not to be rude to other players, whatever the reason, anything more personal or direct would be treated with a gag. Hackers would be recorded over spectator with full version of Fraps and uploaded to YouTube if proof is needed, gags will be a thing that would happen often due to common rudeness and profanity of the TF2 community.
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Reactions: Lukas and violet
Looks awesome. I'd support this.

The votes of @Falcon and @violet would bear the most weight. I actually suspect that Falcon told you to apply. Though he is no longer admin I could also ask Solid what he thinks of you, since I do believe that you should have played together at least sometimes.
Amazing, outstanding app I can verify everything that he says. Known Hawwis a long time now I've spoke to him through voice chat played with him and he's an amazing guy that cares about others and would make a great admin +1 from me.

I actually suspect that Falcon told you to apply.
I didn't tell him to apply but we did talk before he did.
I didn't tell him to apply but we did talk before he did.

Okay, since you or vi said that you knew someone you could contact about an admin spot opening up and he said that he could have gotten permission from you, I thought that you invited him to apply.


20:27 - Solid: ye
20:28 - Solid: Seemed like a pretty chill guy
20:28 - Solid: never really complains or insults anyone

Seems about right.
Yeah, I've seen him around playing, had a look at logs, everything looks good, the app is well written and activity is through the roof. +1 from me.
I know it's quick, but Falcon voted positively; violet voted positively - so that's both Hightower admins - I voted positively; Lukas commented positively; Solid vouched for you. There is really no reason to keep this open longer.

Accepted. Kevin will add you to give you your rights; Falcon and violet will function as your mentors.
and just like that, you are now one of us.

Welcome to the team <3
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