Declined GuardBan Appeal (1 Viewer)

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Jun 8, 2020
SourceBans Ban URL: + Guardbanned
Name of your Banned Steam Account Dies Irae, European, Random Youtube Facts
Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:1:92341502
Date and Time of the Ban: March 4th, 2021 6:30:17
Reason about the Ban: Mass Freekill + basically asked for it
Admin that Banned you: Madact
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: I was pretty immature when I said that I would be quitting JB forever and causing great attention to it only to come back 4 months later when I really shouldve just left to take a break ***quietly*** without bitching about. Both bans were deserved and MFKing is not tolerated on panda.
Welcome back!

I've had a talk with the team to remind me of what happened. I think I requested you to come on to do the team ban and general ban.
You have broken rules before and to then mfk before you leave should not go without punishment.
You've currently got active sessions which is great but I want to give this an extra 2 months of you on the server playing red. What you did was a selfish act and it's good you've admitted it but now you must do some time on the servers, rather than taking a long break, to really know the consequences of your punishment.

So come back to appeal in 2 months with you playing on red during that time to earn our trust. Doesn't have to be everyday just when you can. You're basically doing your time for your teamban on server. You're a prisoner :pepega:

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