Declined Gag (1 Viewer)

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Jun 9, 2019
Banned around 19:00 swedish time, perma gag
Toxic behaviour/insults
Mikey (ofc its mikey)
I should be ungagged because my reason for being gagged was trying to get a racist and homophobe banned (Mr Samoloth) and then I (without warning) got perma gagged, it feels like if it's permanent I should AT LEAST get a warning.
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also, I havebn't perviously been told that I'm not allowed to call out racists and homophobic people
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You can ask/answer those type in the shout box.
Closing this up.
I'll reply once I get back home.
also, I havebn't perviously been told that I'm not allowed to call out racists and homophobic people

No one told you that you can't do that, rather, it's a good thing to do, but with the message you wrote, it makes me think that you've teamed up on with the other
guy. Also, I didn't went away, I was there all the time and the other dude got gagged aswell.

and then I (without warning) got perma gagged, it feels like if it's permanent I should AT LEAST get a warning.


Pretty much self explanatory.

I have screenshots and .demo(s), and chatlog lol?, that shows you were warned several times.
Under here will be attached some of this stuff.
warn for turbo.png

This was your last warning I gave you, regarding a somewhat provoking bind "Get good get lemonbox" you used almost every kill, and yesterday Zeprus gave a warning in the middle of the screen "Don't disrespect/insult other players", and you argued aswell on that in voice chat, before getting muted. Won't attach the .demo because, well, it's 190mb.


This sentence confirms that you read and knew about the warn.

About the stuff you didn't said: the reason of the gag.

I gagged and muted you because you kept insulting/disrespecting other players, with a rather toxic behaviour.
I will just link his chatlog so everyone can see it.

As for the gag, will stay, and be aware of what you say in the voice chat, you're not perma muted yet and you might be muted without any warning, since you should know our GAMERSEVER RULES, but from what I've seen, I highly recommend you rereading them to avoid another, and last, mute.

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