Invalid FF2 US Admin Application -Reapply (1 Viewer)

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Project Potato

Jun 21, 2019
Reapplying now that the server actually has players and still needs an admin, basically same application with a few small touch-ups.

Name and/or nickname
Project Potato


Who gave me permission to apply?

Waxel gave me permission to apply for the FF2 US server. (No longer needed but might as well include)

Steam32 ID

General online times and my time zone
I'm online around;
4pm-10pm Monday-Friday -School sometimes takes up the day
9am-10pm Active All Day, Every other Weekend - Active morning and night

My Time zone is Pacific Daylight Time

Server I Am Applying For
I am applying for the FF2 US server, I have been playing on this server for around 2 years, and lately a lot more. This server is starting to get more people joining again, and I'm usually the person that gets on at 1-2 people and waits for more to join. When there are a lot of people on I can stay around for the whole day playing.

Do I have a microphone?
Yes I do have a microphone and I use it often, sometimes I take a brake and just use chat, but more likely I will be talking to people.

Any previous experience as Admin or Moderator?
I have no previous experience.

Any experience with administrating with SourceMod?
I have no previous experience.

Why do I want to apply for Admin?
I want to apply for Admin because the FF2 US server is more active than the Panda Community thinks it is. I am constantly getting into the server with a good amount of people, but there is never an Admin playing with us. I want to be an Admin that not only comes to help with any problems, but also plays with the players. The last time I played with an Admin was well over a few months, and I want to change that. I could make it a better experience for the players on the server whenever there is a rulebreaker, I feel that I am constantly telling people what they can and can't do in both voice and regular chat, and people usually listen to me, but since I have no way to enforce the rules it does not always work. I am a very active member of this servers community, and I feel like I would be a good fit for the Admin of the server.
I have been debating with myself if I want to become and Admin for a long time, and I feel that I'm ready to take that step.

How I would issue punishments
My punishment scaling for Bans/Mutes/Gags:
First - Give Warnings
Second - 30 mins
Third - 2 hours
Fourth - 24 hours
Fifth - 72 hours
Sixth - 168 hours
Seventh - 720 hours
Eighth - Permanent

Server Punishments
-Camping As Boss
First Time - Slaps to motivate
Continuing - Slay
Camping multiple times - Boss ban - Scaling like regular ban

-Teaming With Boss
First Time - Slaps to motivate
Continuing - Slay
Multiple times - Scaling Ban

First Time - Move to spectator
Second Time - Kick
Joining Just to AFK (And not going Spec) - Scaling ban

First Time - Warnings
Second Time - Scaling Gag/Mute

-Camping on non-camping class
First Time -Slaps to motivate
Second Time -Timebomb to motivate
Third Time -Slay
Fourth Time -Scaling ban

-Harassment/Mic/Chat Spam
First Time - Warnings
Second Time - Scaling Mute/Gag

-Inappropriate Sprays
First Time - Warnings, Remove Spray
Second Time - Kick
Third Time - Scaling Ban

Instant Ban

Bans 0
Comms 0
Sessions -The time is a lie
Everything is reset not sure if these links are accurate :p

The permission @Waxel gave was 9 months ago when Waxel was an FF2 admin. They are no longer assigned to FF2 but really that permission is no longer valid.
I never even took notice on US FF2 after we reverted it back to the original plugin. Mainly because it's started to only spiked 2 days ago. No real big calls coming in and we have two old admins still assigned taking calls from there. So the server isn't ready to be opened until the player base is solid for a good month. Then we'll consider opening.

You can still try your luck and ask either @Baka or Loli Police for permission. It must either be them two, but you'll most likely be told to hold out until we know for sure it needs admins. As we wouldn't want to accept a trial only for the server to die out.

So this is invalid. Really should of checked out the availability page before applying.
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