Declined [FF2] Provide scout with minicrits on primary and disable random bullet spread (2 Viewers)

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2023
Scout currently feels like nothing but a crit taunt slave or a goomba fisher with the winger and doesn't have as much consistency due to random bullet spread.
I'd like to suggest minicrits on primary to cut down the taunt crit slaving and the disabling of random bullet spread so that aiming gets rewarded justfully for each class that suffers from this bullshit luck factor.
I don't see scout's primary is that bad at all, in fact It's almost perfect, Scout is already one of the annoying classes, We don't have to make him more annoying.. Also "Taunt slave".. What are you talking about.. almost everyone taunt for crits not just scout.

You said Primary, Not stock, so im assuming your suggestion meant to ALL primaries, including Force A nature :)
That's already getting A Nope for me.

Bullet spread isn't an issue, It's a shotgun, People should practice on it more and they'll eventually get better, It's not like you shoot on the boss from 4m and the shot went the other direction and missed, Good players land their shots across 10m to 15m.
Well it isn't a big issue to give him mini crits nor remove the randomness in the bullet spread, however I do see some merit in the latter ever since I've seen this video:

TL DW is that it tightens the spread of the shotguns by a noticeable amount, especially the shortstop
There's more playstyles than just farming goombas. When I played actively, I used cleaver+wrap combo and did fine
ye, scatter is not the greatest without crits but scout makes up for it with his mobility + a good scout as the last player is one of the most annoying things to play against

btw there's no reason to not enable fixed bullet spread, it's just a simple QOL improvement and should've been enabled a century ago. Consistency is skill
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