Accepted Evert's admin application - #1 Duel (1 Viewer)

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Active Member
Jan 10, 2017
-Name/Nickname: Evert from Spring

-Age: I'll be 21 on September 14th.

-SteamID: STEAM_0:0:195086327

-Timezone - Online time:
UTC + 1
Once the academic year starts (last week of September), I'll be online between 17:00-24:00 (approx.). During weekends, I tend to be online sooner and offline later.

Until the start of the year, I'm online most of the day, almost every day.

-Which server:
I only play on the #1 Duel server, which is the server I'd like to administer for.

-Do you have a microphone?
Yup. I prefer normal chat to voice, but I'm not afraid to use it.

-Previous experience as Administrator/Moderator?
I've administered multiple TF2 servers in the past.

-Experience with SourceMod?
I've owned my own TF2 server some time ago. So I know my way around SourceMod.
I've also made and edited multiple SM plugins.

-Why should we choose you?
I'm convinced I have what it takes to administer the Duel server. I feel I'm old and smart enough to properly judge situations and effectively apply appropriate punishments where due.
In my opinion, the most important feature of an admin is to put things in perspective. Rules are rules but maybe the situation calls for a different approach from the usual. I think I'm experienced enough to know how to handle these situations.
Apart from that, I have made many friends on the duel server. I always like to take the friendly approach before all else. A friendly face as admin can help sustain order, I think. As long as his/her judgement isn't influenced by it.
I've also been here way longer than my forum account might lead to believe. I actually remember playing when CritMod was still on the duel server with Max and Keiii. Which was somewhere around 2012. I took a long break when those two went their own way though.

-Briefly explain how you would do your job:
This depends mostly on the severity of the infraction.

Cheating and/or advertising cheats obviously results in a permanent ban.

Micspamming/offensive language will be answered with a warning, followed by a gag/mute/silence with length: 2-5 hours -> 1 day -> 3 days -> week ->permanent

Duel specific stuff (spam, sniper camping, sniper healing, sticky camping) will result in a slay + visual warning in the chat. If ignored: ban 2-5 hours -> 1 day -> 3 days -> week ->permanent

General rule breaking
(like !call abuse) will follow the same pattern (without slaying).

Those are my general views on putting the job into practice. Like I said before: special situations may call for special approaches (should those happen to occur while on trial, I'll contact my mentor).

As a trial admin, I will gather demo's and screenshots as proof when necessary.

Final note:
my account is currently private and free-to-play. If this causes inconvenience or problems, I can easily fix both. Just let me know :)
Thanks for reading!

@The Death Stalker
Hola, i know, i've just lost my power to vote, but ill just leave my opinion.

I spent much time with Evert on the duel server, he never broke any rules and is an all-around very chill person.
I think, he would do a good job administrating the server and is able to judge every situation in a neutral way.
I know this guy for quite some time now and he woulf fullfill the role as admin 100%!

Good luck from me!
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GameME Profile: Here
SB Link: Here
It's good to see you applying for admin.
I have played with Evert on duel for quite some time now. At the start, I didn't think much of him because he was usually rather silent. I still don't really know him that closely, but he's always given off a 'good-guy' vibe and I believe him to be quite capable of handling situations that can pop up in Duel. He is usually pretty chill (like Miro mentioned above), but he can be serious if need be.
I also like his conduct and general behavior on the server, and out (I am especially referring to the thread in February regarding Evert's one and only ban for stickycamping that I applied. Please note that I do not consider it a ban myself as it was justified and the rule was later modified to include Evert's actions as "legal")
And you have a mic o_o I WANNA HEAR

Let's get down to business:
  • Application: Seems to lack a bit of effort, but it addresses the important stuff well enough, so I'm satisfied.
  • Communication: Judging by the app, seems good.
  • Banhammer Lethality: A bit harsh, as we usually give 5 chances for all offenses and the 6th one is permanent, unless we have a rather special nutcase who thinks he's the one making the rules. Though in this case, every admin has his own views so I don't think I have the right to object (not saying that I don't agree though)
  • Sessions: FINE
  • Overall Activity: REGULAR
  • Chatlog: GOOD "I got bakestaped" xdxd
  • Criminal Record: CLEAN
With all that said, I think he's gonna be a good addition to the team. Hark, my fellow knights who honorably protecteth Duel with all their might! For this, is what I have to say: BESTOW UNTO HIM THE SWORD WE WIELD WITH PRIDE! So that he may use it to fell the foul beasts that ravage Duel! I know I am good at this, you don't need to tell me xd
TL;DR: +1 :kappa:

NOTE: Regarding mentorship, as I'll be starting university 18th of September, I don't think I would be able to mentor him.
  • Creative
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Reactions: Evert and lionish
Yes please.

Evert is playing daily on the Duel server. Cant really add much. Death said everything possible about him.

+1 make duel great again :kappa:
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Thanks for the reactions so far!
Especially Death, that was quite an enjoyable read.

  • Banhammer Lethality: A bit harsh, as we usually give 5 chances for all offenses and the 6th one is permanent, unless we have a rather special nutcase who thinks he's the one making the rules. Though in this case, every admin has his own views so I don't think I have the right to object (not saying that I don't agree though)
Didn't know about the 5 chances habit. Maybe I can insert an extra step at the front?
Something like 2h->6h ->1 day->3 days->week->perm.
  • Agree
Reactions: The Death Stalker
Evert is a regular and friendly player who has good knowledge of the rules, and enforces them whenever they are being broken. I recommend this guy. Good luck with your application!
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Nothing to add ! I'm sure Evert have what it's what it takes to be an admin. Death, once more, came first and busted us :o

I'll give you a big +1 and a big cookie~

Good luck ~ I hope see you soon a part of the team
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We will keep you as under review for a longer time. please improve your playtime
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well even though your activity falls again i'll accept your app.
please look into getting it up again otherwise i'll demote you again.

your mentor during your trial phase will be @fanthom, should you have any questions feel free to ask us.
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  • Optimistic
Reactions: fanthom and Evert
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