duel_panda2 (2 Viewers)

Master Keiii

New Member
Oct 18, 2012
Guys, we are working on the second panda duel map which has some improvements from the first.
It ofc will stay like the old dm_duel_v1 but people complained about possibilitys to spawnkill with demoman etc.

So what we will improve is changing the playerclip from the spawns so enemies cant walk as close into the resupply room as they can now.

Since this alone is just a minor update we need your help; what else can we improve?
Ill update this post if some good suggestions come up.

To prevent spam, you could replace the supply lockers with big ammo and health packs with instant reappear. That means no restock of jarate and milk but i think it should be possible for people to deal with that.

Edit: Only think you'd have to pay attention at if you replace lockers would be, to make the packs only aviable for the which spawns in ther base.
Well, thanks for the answer but that wouldnt do a lot. It still would be possible to spawn rockets and grenades which is the majority of spammings so I wont do this.
Anything else you want changed?
Tats true of course. But if the have to reload they will get killed faster than if they spam without having to reload. Simply because then there are less explosions around :)
I don't know if you're going to change the map itself. If you can, then I'd suggest raising the roof a bit over the tiny hallways in each team's base in order to allow spies to stair stab, because I often hit the roof with my head and I end up getting myself killed. Another thing would be to make the hallways slightly wider. Not much, but enough so people don't get body blocked all the time. Whenever there's more than 8-10 people in the server (90% of the time), even after using the dead ringer, I just can't get away cause I'm being blocked by a big fat heavy.
I also think you should remove the invisible barriers on the windows at the top of each base, because right now, people have only one way out. And if a big fat heavy is blocking the hallway in that direction, then you have nowhere to run. Those just ruin the experience imo, people should be able to get in the enemy base through every window. And if you think about it, that could end up solving the grenade spamming problem as well, since people will have multiple pathways instead of just going out the front door and getting blown up by a random grenade.
There's also an issue with the leveling system. You crit more often the more attribute points you spent in crit, that's fine. But as players get higher and higher in level they start killing the whole enemy team with a single rocket. The reason for that is that nobody levels lifeforce. And the reason nobody levels lifeforce is because it's useless. It works like an overheal, in other words it's temporary. If leveling lifeforce increased your max HP permanently, not just for a few seconds, I believe the server would be more balanced.
Personally I'd level about 10 points in lifeforce and the rest I would split evenly in crit and dexterity. But the way it is right now, there's no way I'd spend points on lifeforce.

P.S Chaning the playclip is a bad idea imo. Of course, I didn't quite understand what you mean.
"So what we will improve is changing the playerclip from the spawns so enemies cant walk as close into the resupply room as they can now."
Do you elaborating? What I understand from this sentence is that people won't be able to get as close to the enemy base as they can right now. If so, then that is a HUGE mistake.
You should definitely not do that, if that's what you ment. Spawn killing can happen even from the windows of your own base and even from my door. I don't need to get close to the enemy base in order to spawn kill. By making this change you will only reduce the fun. Soldiers might not be able to rocket jump into the second floor anymore, spies won't be as effective and etc. Generally, a bad idea.
If this is not what you ment, when you said you'd change the playerclip, then please explain.
By editing the playerclip I meant that I change the invisible barricade once you enter the small walkway up from your resupply room. Put it up a bit so the enemy team cant go as far down anymore. Just a view centimeters..

Raising the roof in the walkways and widen them would be a slight improve. Basically I CAN edit the map. Though it's hard because I'd have to edit so much little things. I'm not the mapper of the original v1 map.. And the mapper didnt do it well. Which means I'd have a lot work if i changed something like that. I'll think of it though.

I won't respond to the LevelMod here. Thats not the topic of the thread.
Oh that's fine then. I don't really mind that they can get that far down, but I wouldn't mind the change you're planning either.

Regarding the invisible barrier on the windows at the very top - Wouldn't it be better if it wasn't there? Now it kinda feels like the map wasn't ment to let us get into each other's base and getting in it is kinda awkward. First you have to survive the people that are aiming from the top window and then you have to jump down and lose health and there isn't always a healthpack. Additionally, sometimes you don't land quite well and you have to jump and crouch again and spend a few additional seconds to actually get through the window, which makes you really vulnerable especially since that spot is so close to the enemy spawn. That of course, can be fixed by a small platform (Maybe like an inch - just a small edge we can land on), just enough for us to land right at the level at the window and not a bit below it. Also you often get pushed by a pyro or an explosion and you have to climb up and jump down again.

+I've often been killed just cause I get stuck there on the window on the way out and can't get out of their base on time, so a tiny upward incline from each enemy's base to that window would be nice, so you won't have to jump and crouch in order to fit through the window.
Sometimes the hallways are blocked by a big fat heavy and I'm basically a sitting duck. That's why having an additional escape route/entry point would add some variety and make things a bit more fun imo.

I understand editing the map itself will be hard, even with just those small details, but changing the invisible barrier on the window shouldn't be too hard. Please consider it.
Ill consider some of your stuff you mentioned but I wanna keep the map be duel_v1
You probably know these v2, v5,... maps... with lots of walkways, windows,...
I dont like them.
I dont want to make v1 to be like them. Thats why we actually run v1. Though i want to improve it which means Ill try to do my best :p
Master Keiii' said:
Ill consider some of your stuff you mentioned but I wanna keep the map be duel_v1
You probably know these v2, v5,... maps... with lots of walkways, windows,...
I dont like them.
I dont want to make v1 to be like them. Thats why we actually run v1. Though i want to improve it which means Ill try to do my best :p
Yeah, I played those maps and I didn't like them either. We don't need such big and confusing maps. I just need slightly bigger walkways and higher ceilings, so spies can stairstab and won't get blocked by other classes with no way to move.
Also, that invisible barrier on the highest floor should be removed imo. It's pointless.
That's all that this map needs.
That and a better leveling system, more specificaly with a point reset/respend button.
Dyils' said:
That and a better leveling system, more specificaly with a point reset/respend button.

Keep leveling system in leveling system thread
I don't know if I'm late, but the playerclip thing might not be a good idea, as engies make sentries just outside of the spawn (on the inside of the building) So I think the spamming problem is easily tackled by rocket/grenade jumping up a floor or two and killing the spammer. it's harder as solly cause they might fridgehug away from damage, but it works. I think the map is great as it is to be honest. Haven't had a problem I couldn't defeat... eventually. :p
N i k e f i e r' said:
I don't know if I'm late, but the playerclip thing might not be a good idea, as engies make sentries just outside of the spawn (on the inside of the building) So I think the spamming problem is easily tackled by rocket/grenade jumping up a floor or two and killing the spammer. it's harder as solly cause they might fridgehug away from damage, but it works. I think the map is great as it is to be honest. Haven't had a problem I couldn't defeat... eventually. :p
no you are not to late, post your wishes :p
would be great when you register in the forum :)
You are right. The map is great. And im pleased too... but most aren't.
That's the point.
A panda2 is coming for sure. In unspecified future.

Have fun

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