Invalid DrunkenBomber's Admin Application (2 Viewers)

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New Member
Apr 5, 2020
-Name and/or nickname:


-Steam32 ID:


-Online Times and Timezones:
Due to quarantine, I'm available every day and I'm on from roughly 12 PM-4 AM EST unless I have something the next day then most likely I will be on until 11 PM EST. If there was a possibility of School starting again somehow I'm usually at 4 PM-10 PM EST on weekdays and 12 PM-10 PM EST on the weekend.

-Microphone availability:

I own a microphone and use it often

-Experience as admin/mod:
I do not have experience in being an admin on TF2 servers but I have been admin on a couple of discord servers and I understand the amount of responsibility being an admin carries.

-Servers played on:

I play exclusively on Jailbreak and it is also the server in which I'm applying for admin.

-Experience with SourceMod:

I do not have experience with SM but I do understand some basic commands but I am a fast learner so learning my way through SM shouldn't take long.

-Reasons to be chosen:
I am a very active player and I very much enjoy being on Jailbreak a lot but I wish to make it better and a more enjoyable server to be on. A common issue I see is that in early in the morning most trolls or rule breakers usually log onto the server due to a lack of admins being at the time, I wish to change that because I am a night owl and I don't require much sleep so I hope I can become part of the admin team to resolve this issue.

-What will I do as admin:
As an admin, I will keep a close look at everything going on in the server and make sure no rules shall be broken. I will use the correct punishment for offenders. I will gag or mute voice/chat spammers or those who are insulting people playing. I will kick those who have been warned for a previous reason or who are worse offenders. I will ensure bans on anyone who may be hacking, typing or saying racist comments whether as a statement or towards someone else, or those who have been given multiple warning before (i.e. Someone is given a 45-minute ban for mass free killing even after been given guard bans for free killing before).
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Reactions: Magglet and vinny
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