Declined ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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Apr 25, 2022
SourceBans Ban URL:
Name of your Banned Steam Account: tom pearl
Steam ID 32 STEAM_0:1:157956982
Date and Time of the Ban: 5/21/21
Reason about the Ban Ddos threat and acting extremely immature
Admin that Banned you Deleted Admin - Racer911-1
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: in response to my last appeal to the newbie mod whos been here less time than me acting as who had nothing to do with the ban in the first place, im sorry for how i acted in the past, it was wrong of me to say that and im sorry, im sorry for how i acted and i dont know how else to put it but this happened over 4 years ago its now 2023 getting to 2024, the game is dying infested with hackers and bots casual is unplayable, community servers are the only way to actually play tf2 do you get that? a game thats held a place in your heart is unplayable due to other players, and i want a full mod team discussing this not one lone newbie mod acting as judge jury and executioner for a ban he had nothing to do with
full mod team discussing this not one lone newbie mod acting as judge jury and executioner for a ban he had nothing to do with
We did discuss your last appeal, cowboy was just the one to make the post he was not the sole judge in your case. With that in mind I'm going to uphold the decision that was made then.

Declined, as cowboy said in the previous appeal, wait until next year before attempting to appeal again.
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