Application Evaluation (1 Viewer)

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Jan 9, 2016
Some Admins told me not to evaluate applications and then I stopped doing it. I didn't know, what I shouldn't say "I give you my support" or something like that. Anyways...Whenever I try to give feedback, JUST FEEDBACK, someone comes with the same S*** again and says "dont evaluate applications." Tbh I don't get, what that is and why I get these warnings and deleted posts but others dont.
One thing was: "bla bla bla you are not old enough bla bla. I think that you fit the position but you should wait a bit." What happened? I got the warning.

Please tell me what I am allowed to post under applications and what not. I don't get it.
We'll wait for the opinon of the admin who were involed into the process of removing comments from the applications. In the meanwhile I'll tell you my opinion.

I think a good guideline about comennts under applications would be one like this: As a normal user, you may comment under applications ONLY IF you have something usefull and relevant to say.

That means:

-You shouldn't say obvoius things, like "Apps good" "You have enuogh playtime" "Your age is fine""Good luck". These are all things that admins know and by saying them you are just spamming the app.

-You should post under an app if you have met the player and if you have played with him, so that you can post some usefull facts about the player that you have learnt and saw while you played with him.

-If you havent met the player, then you would just evaluete the app itself and nothing else. Admins have more experience and they can evaluete apps better, so if you havent met or seen the player anywhere before and therefore you don't know anything about him, i would just say refrain from posting.

-If you do decide to post, explain why you are supporting/ not supporting the applicant. If you say "I think he would be a bad admin" you also have to explain why and bring facts about the applicant that support your statement.

-If you do decide to post, be humble. Give your ideas and facts humbly, Do not make statements and judgements that are too harsh, but just bring your facts and opinion without giving yourself too much authority.
As far as I know, as long as you're an admin (trial or full) you're allowed to vote.
If you're a donator, regular player BUT know the applicant, you're allowed to post feedback but not vote.
If you don't know the applicant, don't post at all.
Weren't they looking into this so other people can also evaluate?
From what I see from your comments on applications, you try to evaluate by saying "I give you my support" and "I will not support you" which is only allowed for admins, not donators and members. That's what is called evaluating. Anyone other than ADMINS do NOT have the rights to evaluate any applications since its up to them to decide.
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Apparently it's such a HUGE issue that people of NON AUTHORITY can't evaluate, so let me take time out of my day to explain.

People, like Donators and members who JUST JOINED the community, were popping into Admin Application threads and doing things like

"Good player. Support."
"You have my support."

Or giving a legitimate full evaluation like they had a position of authority.
Let me make this clear. Things like this are unneeded and not valuable at all.

Admins and Kevin are the ones ultimately deciding who joins the ranks of authority, therefore the evaluating should be left to the Admins and Kevin. I explained all of this on previous posts I have commented on; in fact, I was the one who addressed the issue. Want to hate someone? Hate me.

The threads get SO disorganized with useless comments and people thinking it's funny to post certain things on Admin Applications. There needed to be a new rule to stop people who think it's their job to go snooping around in places they have no business snooping. Admins are FULLY capable of doing an evaluation on their own.

Therefore, we came to the consensus that only Admins/Trials can vote and evaluate. Anyone who is NOT an Admin can ONLY comment if they give information about the player because they KNOW THEM PERSONALLY or play with them often. The information must also be presented in a detailed format.

This does NOT mean go snooping around finding out every little bit of information about the applicant JUST so you can have the satisfaction of commenting on an application.

There you go.
I stopped saying things like "I give you my support". I know how to behave on applications. Though, I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Admins can tell us to edit the comment or something like that and not just delete it with a mean comment to it.
I think that one of you Admins could make a thread that says Read me like the ones from @Kevin and @EvoWarrior5 with the information of a "what you are allowed to post/not to post" format. Of course it's just an idea but it could be useful.
I think it gives enough information for users
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I stopped saying things like "I give you my support". I know how to behave on applications. Though, I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Admins can tell us to edit the comment or something like that and not just delete it with a mean comment to it.
I think that one of you Admins could make a thread that says Read me like the ones from @Kevin and @EvoWarrior5 with the information of a "what you are allowed to post/not to post" format. Of course it's just an idea but it could be useful.

Deleting comments from non-admins with a reason of "evaluation by non-admin" is not considered mean.
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Deleting comments from non-admins with a reason of "evaluation by non-admin" is not considered mean.
There once was a message saying "stop evaluating and fuck off" or something like that. But I don't really remember who it was, that deleted it.
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There once was a message saying "stop evaluating and fuck off" or something like that. But I don't really remember who it was, that deleted it.

I have looked through almost every comment that has been deleted since this started, and NOTHING even REMOTELY close to that was said. ._.
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I have looked through almost every comment that has been deleted since this started, and NOTHING even REMOTELY close to that was said. ._.

I actually said something close to that to Dunkmaster Sans.

Went like 'you just voted when you don't have the right to, fuck right off', something like that. I'm amazing.
There once was a message saying "stop evaluating and fuck off" or something like that. But I don't really remember who it was, that deleted it.

Quit making things up like the "fuck off" part. Basically get the point already. No other members except for admins may evaluate. We don't need other comments from people that are like evaluating. You may comment if you personally know the applicant for a long time.
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Honestly I do not see why this has turned in to such a big deal all of a sudden. The last thing we need is just an army of "I approve xxxx" or "I don't approve xxxx". If you have the information and they are a good friend for a long time be very informative if you reply to a thread that concerns someone being an administrator. Each administrator application I look in to I spend anywhere from 10-20 minutes in chat logs on servers they've played on, their activity on the server, and if they've broken the rules. If I'm unsure of the application I refrain from saying anything unless there is mistakes in the format.

If you can not find the proper information and DIVULGE it in detail then keep your comment to yourself and cheer them on from the side lines. Honestly this topic should be closed at this point as this thread is officially going down a path of "why this" and "why that" between administrators and others over something we've asked people not to do prior and now have cracked down on to keep applications CLEAN.
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