Accepted Appealing for perma-mute (1 Viewer)

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May 8, 2021
Name of your Banned Steam Account: moldy
Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:0:89765863
Date and Time of the Ban: 5/2/21 9:14
Reason about the Ban: Spamming and Overtalking
Admin that Banned you: Kazzy
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: At the time me and my friends were goofing off on a jailbreak server, and we would do this every now and then. I have been muted on several occasions, and yes, I do think that I should stay muted, but only on the jailbreak related servers. I think that being perm muted for "overtalking the warden" should not apply to servers such as the 24/7 2fort server. It's like being able not to talk at home because I talked over the teacher several times, it's stupid. Why should I stay muted for a rule that doesn't exist on other servers? Why remove my freedom to speak on a place where doing so isn't against the rules? I know I have made several "attempts" in the past to get myself unmuted and most of them were poor attempts, yeah, but it still doesn't excuse why the admin's reasons are "Well you were toxic, so yeah, stay muted" instead of something that provided a justifiable reason behind their actions. I get that this is a community and no matter what happened or where you were has the same rules applied to it, i still dont understand why i'm permanently muted for "overtalking." All that I am asking is to be unmuted on the 24/7 2fort US server so I can hang out and chat with my friends on there.
Your Chat Logs for 2fort, I don't know the context for some of the things said in here but calling someone a "retard" doesn't look very good.
I do think that I should stay muted, but only on the jailbreak related servers.
Thats not how muting works its for all the servers not just the one, however with this being said I am fine with giving you another chance. I would recommend reading up on the rules so you do not get in trouble again as you can get muted again without warning. Accepted.
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