Accepted Aokigahara's Admin application for DeathRun n°9 (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2015
First of all, hello.

My name is Alex, my in game name is Aokigahara, I'm a male and I'm 18 years old.

My Steam ID user is : STEAM_0:0:49690237.

My time zone is : Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00)

Usually I'm online from 5/6pm to 11/12pm on weeks, and on weekends I'm online from 13pm to 2/3am next day ? Overall I've a lot of free time to spend.

I'm applying to become Admin on the deathrun n°9 as it's the server I play on the most. I would totally visit others servers in case of any reports.

I have a microphone if needed, but since I don't speak really good english I would prefer to write, but if needed I can talk.

I've some experiences in the past as Moderator and Administrator but not on Team Fortress 2.
Mostly on Minecraft server, I've been Owner of a server for a little bit.

I've a little bit experiences with SourceMod, I could easily administrate the server/people with the experience I have.

Well, you could chose me for various reasons:

- I'm friendly, and people like me on the server ? I think.
- I would my task without pity.
- I would like to make the server a good places where people can play in peace.
- I also would like to help since I play a lot on this server and know what happens, where people use bugs etc etc.

To end this application I will tell you how I would administrate the server in case of any breaking rules:

If someone mic spam it would be a 60 minutes gag.
If someone chat spam it would be a 30 minutes mute/gag
In case of any racism it would be a 120 minutes mute/gag same for insults.
If someone abuse of the calladmin system it's one warning then a 4 hours ban.
In case of hacking, taking proofs and send it to a full admin.

So here is my application, thanks for the time you put reading this.

Ps: Excuse my english if there are wrong grammar.


I know that my profile says that I was born in 1996, but it's a missclick I'm born in 1998.
I told kevin to change that.
I know that my profile says that I was born in 1996, but it's a missclick I'm born in 1998.
I told kevin to change that.

just a question, so you're birthday is on the 23th of february 1998 then? as you said the 1996 is wrong and on your profile it says 23th of february 1996
Yes my birthday it's on the 23th of february 1998

So you are lying about your age, as you say you are born on the 23th of february 1998, but it's still january meaning you could impossible be 18 atm. Even if the lying is not sever as you are a required age to be accepted without permission, you still lied though.

Even if your birthday is next month.
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Well since it's in like one month I thought telling I'm 18 would have been ok?

Idk, admins will have to decide about that but good luck with your app though
So we have 3 different ages here: 17 (what he claims to be now), 18 (what he's "supposedly" turning in one month), and 19 (what he aged himself as in his previous application). It seems to me that something fishy is going on here. Nearly every recent applicant has lied about their age in some way, shape, or form, and it's beginning to get on my nerves.

Seems a lot of "misclicks" have been happening recently.
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Hi there Lifeover,

Let us create more confusion and say that as of writing this you're roughly 565228812 seconds of age. Looking at your playtime on number nine I conclude that you have sufficient playtime. Your chat-log looks clean. The occasional 'fuck' here and there but that's acceptable, I'm a potty mouth myself sometimes. Your sessions aren't looking all that great, you've joined and played a worthy amount of time only 5 times this month. I can't help myself but wonder why your age is such an issue for you. Maybe you're in that stage where you're nearly going to be 18 and just want to yell out to the world that you're an adult soon. But all we asked for was your actual age, 17 is nothing to be ashamed of! Since I haven't seen you play on number nine I'm staying neutral on this one, though leaning to a negative result. There was no need to lie about your age but you unfortunately did anyways.

Before @HappyWaffle became a trial I quickly noticed him playing on the server and had a good feeling about him becoming an admin. I haven't had this happen to me, about you. Maybe this is due to the fact that I didn't play on any panda servers from 16th to 7th due to inactivity but then again that's one of the reasons I'm staying neutral. I'd like @HappyWaffle to write down his thoughts and experience playing with you since I don't have any.

I wish you the best of luck with your application.
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So we have 3 different ages here: 17 (what he claims to be now), 18 (what he's "supposedly" turning in one month), and 19 (what he aged himself as in his previous application). It seems to me that something fishy is going on here. Nearly every recent applicant has lied about their age in some way, shape, or form, and it's beginning to get on my nerves.

Seems a lot of "misclicks" have been happening recently.

Well to stop all this confusion, trust me or not, I'm turning 18 on the 23th of february.
If anyone would give his/her opinion about this application, feel free to post since it would help.
You're session times aren't looking the best, they seem to be good on one day and bad on the other. This can be easily be worked on.
I assume you know the rules as you do occasionally note people about them.
I have also noticed you stopped with the Inappropriate language as well.

You have been polite to people when i'm on, and have been when no admins are active. Followed by No gags or bans.

So, a +1 from me unless something else arises. ;)
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You're session times aren't looking the best, they seem to be good on one day and bad on the other. This can be easily be worked on.
I assume you know the rules as you do occasionally note people about them.
I have also noticed you stopped with the Inappropriate language as well.

You have been polite to people when i'm on, and have been when no admins are active. Followed by No gags or bans.

So, a +1 from me unless something else arises. ;)

Thanks Waffle, I know my sessions time are not the best right now, because of some problems, now that they're gone I've fully time to play :)
Hi !
So I don't say that 'cause Life is one of my friends, but I saw him on the server I never see any problems where he was here (he said everything in his first post), so it's clean for me and I assure he will be a good admin for the server !

(I am not an admin or a donator, this post has no value)
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