Pending All servers anti afk (1 Viewer)

How many minutes in spectator until the server kicks the player from the server

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2016
I saw a gentlemen request something like this but was very whiney but today having difficulty joining the server I noticed something.

5 players sat afk in spectator just taking space on the server.

Maybe after 5 mins in spectator the server could autokick players.
I'd like to see this implemented into US Hightower too. There are can be like, 5 people in spectate at times.
Or at the very least, extend the timer some- people often complain about being put in spectate after heading to the bathroom or something. Also, I get the point of putting them in spectate is to stop them from farming drops- but wouldn't auto kicking them after enough time has passed, say 5-10 minutes, accomplish the same thing?
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This change would definitely be welcome. I can't even remember how many times I've been sitting on the main menu waiting, that I could join the server. When I finally join there, there can be even 6-5 players that are spectating, which is honestly quite frustrating.
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100% agree, This is much better than having to call admins to kick afks
i have joined US 2fort upwards of a hundred times now and i have consistently seen 3+ people sitting in spectate for a long time. This would be a very welcome addition.
Might I suggest this plugin gets added to all servers excluding trade, MGE and maybe any other servers where spec serves a purpose.
Also if anyone can find a plugin that does this I am unsure if the current anti afk allows to kick players in spec.
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Can we with this also add afk spinning as a slightly bigger no-no? Cus it's even more annoying when your average nolifer cares so much about their 4 dominations or 10 killstreak that they bypass the system and ruin the team balanse by being afk in spawn
Would it be an in-game bot or a plugin? Just wondering
2022-02-14 (2).png

So just to move this along, does anybody want to explain how to do this clearly? Is it a command to the current AFK plugin that we have that needs to change? Or is it a completely different plugin?

Also just curious, would this effect admin's ability to hide in spectator? Something that would need to be considered.

Also for servers that don't have a move to spectator if AFK, such as jailbreak (for obivous reasons for those that play), would jailbreak want this too? @Semicolon Backslash

Can we with this also add afk spinning as a slightly bigger no-no? Cus it's even more annoying when your average nolifer cares so much about their 4 dominations or 10 killstreak that they bypass the system and ruin the team balanse by being afk in spawn

This is an excellent point that I've noticed lurking in spectator that I see donators ,regulars and even once a trial admin do this. I have pointed this out 'passive aggressively' and they usually stop but I'm never too sure if I am suppose to be enforcing the little push of others avoiding the AFK mover. Should this be? Is it currently enforced by 2FORT admins? If so, what rule does it fall under?

I hope the barge of questions doesn't give the impression I don't want this. I just want this clearly stated and sorted out so it can tasked up! Thank you for your time, whoever decides to respond to help me out!
So just an update on this. Semicolon backslash got back to me saying jailbreak doesn't need the following so it might just be server specific. I see some suggestions of which servers might be interested so will just have to check out properly later.

As for how this works...Still going to need an answer. It's all well and good giving an idea but we need to know how to achieve this.

As for an addition on what vecomti said the 2fort admin team have been discussing it. Currently working out what is going to be enforced and if any rules need a slight update to reflect this.
A simple change for 2fort would work. The afk thing just kicks u if you are afk for more than 15 seconds instead of move to spec?
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A simple change for 2fort would work. The afk thing just kicks u if you are afk for more than 15 seconds instead of move to spec?
15 seconds would be a bit too strict if we're going for kicking people out, dont you think so? Like 2 minutes or so would be better?
Time to add my input and hopefully reignite this suggestion. Testing from the few servers I play that have an AFK manager system these were my results.

On the US Hightower server I joined the server, went AFK in spawn and it took a little over 17 seconds to give me the afk message warning me that I'd be move to spectator in 45 seconds if I didn't move. I would get moved roughly moved around 1 minute and 3 seconds. If I moved a little bit and went AFK/pressed tab it would take 15 seconds for the afk message to re-appear.

On the US 2fort I joined the server, went AFK in spawn and it took a little over 27 seconds to give me the afk message warning me that I'd be move to spectator in 30 seconds if I didn't move. I would get moved roughly around 1 minute and 7 seconds. If I moved a little bit and went AFK/pressed tab it would take 30 seconds for the AFK message to re-appear.

There is no current server specific rules on the 2fort server besides what's quoted on this thread about excessive spawnkilling not being allowed as it falls in conjunction with general disruptive behavior if a teammate keeps the doors of the spawn room open for the enemy team. The current rule for hightower is as follows:
#6, #10 & US – Hightower TDM:

No staying inside of spawn with a group.
If you want to party or be friendly, do it where the enemy team has the leisure of either joining in or killing you.

Now if we're doing something similar to and addition say a server specific vs. a general Gameserver rule like in this thread I'd like to remain on my stance for a more general rule than server specific for those servers (if we decide to add an AFK manager on them/adjust the one's we currently have). I'd argue that rather than adding a new rule though it'd just be kept under the rule of:
3) Rules of play:
c) General disruptive behaviour

This includes a number of things, such as: prolonging rounds without due cause; teaming with a player on the opposing team; excessive spawn killing; blocking people’s sight; willingly assisting hackers by healing them; encouraging rule-breaking or otherwise grievous acts.
At least to the servers with an "Objective" to them for winning, it's frustrating with the amount of slots and I do find it unfair for those that want to join the server when it's more active when it's full or have people that have been in spectator for hours without playing the on the server. If we were to do a change whether it be an adjustment to the current plugin with the timeframe and adding the kick rather than move to spectator function or a new plugin altogether I echo with the statements above at least that we need that middle group of a time limit before we kick people. Personally on VSH I just kick people if they fail to respond to a slap and/or warning of being AFk/not actively dealing damage to hale as it's essentially putting the team in a disadvantage of having less players and adding health to hale.

Tldr; I'd prefer we just classified as under the griefing rule (if we do add an AFK manager) to prevent those that bypass the AFK manager in place if we're not doing server specific.

Edited Some More: Forgot to mention with the plug-in now you can hide as an admin and not moved to spectator/kicked just by pressing tab or moving your mouse a bit, for the donator aspect I’m not sure since it’s been a bit since I’ve been a donator on a server with the AFK manager.
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I'll just focus this for 2fort and high tower. I'm assuming both EU and US want this.

If worst comes to it, we can always go down the road of tailoring the rules to ban those excessively afking on the servers in order to save their spot or other reasons. We may add a range on that to how many times it is done and the amount of time they have been afk on. It would have to be extreme amounts , not small...But that's not what this thread is about!

So looking at the conversation it looks like there is some discussion about the amount of time before someone gets kicked off the server.

I've never seen panda servers kick AFKs off the servers (apart from admin intervention) . I'm wondering if @Kevin would consider it.
Now I know what you're thinking 'why would kevin not want this?' I think it might be a possible decline of users on the server.

Even 3 mins seems too small. I'd say 10. Then, if you're on the loo, you have the time to do your business!
Jokes aside 10 minutes may seem like a long time but it's enough to go 'yeah they should of just left by now'.
But I don't know how bad the situation is. I do see a lot of complaints about it. It's worth the research into other servers to see how long their timers are.

I've created a new poll about how long the server will wait until it kicks the player off the server who are in spectator. Please vote. Note: The poll result may not result in the final decision but it sure helps where about we should aim.
I feel like 5 - 10 minutes should be enough, it's long enough for the AFK person to do their stuff for example a toilet break or them getting a snack,etc ... and any players that are trying to connect don't have to wait too long for one of the AFK's to get kicked.
Finally there wont be no kicking after a milisecond in spectators. I'd say 10 minutes sounds about right ::panda11::
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Another magglet suggestion succesful.

Im looking pretty fly if I do say so myself xD yeah 10 mins is fine I just want it implimented
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