Invalid Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Nicholas, alias: (St.) Pricholas

Twenty-one as of Jan.

Reason for application:
Played long enough to see the message for “seeking admins.”


I live in the SE US (Central time), and with college life, I’m up at strange hours. I frequently play TF2, and play DB when I need some adrenaline. So in and out 24/7 basically.

Servers most played:
Specifically, for Panda, I’ve only had the inkling to play on the DB USA East server. (Other servers give me latency issues.) However after viewing the website I realize the community is much larger, and may check out some of the other servers.

I do, but requires tedious troubleshooting to get working with my laptop.
(I use an HDMI extension from my laptop to play on a bigger screen, making my laptop’s inputs for sound and mic useless.) Will probably not use unless necessary.

Experience with admin / mod:
No prior experience, however I’ve been around source games since HL2 DM, and CSS were big. So I understand the power and authority an admin has over a server. Seen many servers that deserve a good admin to be on. Also seen servers with horrible admins, and have been subject to abuse.

Why should I be chosen:
To choose any stranger to have any power is a gamble at best. However, I will simply choose not to be “that guy.” I’m tend to be the neutral party. I don’t intend to make a fool of myself at any time. My actions will always be well warranted.

Policies and punishments:
All offenses truly depend on the nature of the act. However I would like to admit I have a good enough perception to see reality for what it is.
I intend (if possible) to be discreet about my role, but not invisible.
Spam, rocket stealing, body blocking, and team killing will all result in a warning first. But deliberate actions make the situation easier to judge. Doesn’t always apply to new players, you can usually tell they just haven’t played before. Second offense results in being slayed, and if persistent, will be temporarily banned. Zero tolerance for hacking. Racism and otherwise hatefulness will be dealt with similarly as above.

Any and all input is welcome.
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