Declined Admin Application - JUUDDGERED (1 Viewer)

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*I'm not against anyone nor with anyone*
I like how the whole community attacks someone for being new, even if he's lying about some parts, that doesn't mean you should attack him like that.
I read most of the applications, some of the people had some mistakes, yet they weren't attacked that much, is it because they are somehow known? Of course.
Again, I'm not against the Panda Community members and admins, all I'm saying is keep it friendly as much as possible, I'm not an admin to talk about such thing, but I did host some servers and know how people react to some acts.
So Kevin doesn't tell me to stop with the spam I'll add my -1 to this..
Haven't seen him before. Shared account, and pretty much everything the other members said.
I'm here like 3 months before stabbin (not sure, don't quote me)
I've first spotted you with ron in dodge, when you both were noobing around and stealing.
What are the applications turning into?
They are being spammed by off-topic stuff....
Lets just stop? ;)
Saxton don't say you can if you want to :'(
We first were on the Hidden, when it was a total hit
application on hold, and please for the other guys here dont spam under the admin applications thanks
declined cause no activity
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