Invalid Admin Application for NY Jailbreak (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 13, 2018
- Your name and/or nickname
- Your age
- Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)
>n/a found the applications myself when the chat popped up asking for available positions on Jailbreak
- Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)
>Steams32ID: 45323236
- Your general online times and your timezone

>EST, Mainly after 3PM unless its break, then im up from ~12PM - 3AM
- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
>Panda-Community Jailbreak NY, and Maybe depending on the server
- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)
>Yea, obviously B)
- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
>2013 I was a Co-Owner for a small server (18 People) called Luigi's Nation and was a Moderator for a number of Garry's Mod Jailbreak servers (That are unfortunately dead)
- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
>Some experience with it, i've mainly used commands like !voteban, !gag @ X, etc. But not too much with sm_ban
- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
>Im a level headed neato burrito that doesnt (and obviously should not) abuse my position in power. Give me some time and I'll prove to you that im responsible for the position
- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.
>The way i'd do my job is to watch over for any freekillers, exploiting(?), and anything else that would be in violation of the rules. If anyone does violate the rules i will warn them first before administering a punishment most suitable (Freekillers who keep killing after warning will be kicked and if they rejoin and continue it would extend to a 2 hour ban, then so on and so forth). If someone exploits it will be a ban (the length of which will be depending on the exploit). Any Permabans/gags/mutes/etc. will be brought to the higher ups and asked for any further action on what I should do from that point forth.

Thanks for reading this short application, if you'd like to contact me directly find me on:
Player has not accumulated 3 days worth of play time on the server: gameME
Player also has a current communication block that, as of now, has not expired: Comms
  • Agree
Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
Ah my b, i didnt look too closely at some other outstanding info i had (I.e. Connection Time and my recent mute that i had forgotten about). Hopefully i can reapply next month or whenever I accumulate these hours and (hopefully) not get any other mutes or gags or etc.
  • Optimistic
Reactions: Travis
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