Accepted Admin Application : FF2 #13 (1 Viewer)

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White Falcon

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
- Your name and/or nickname
In-game name : White Falcon .

- Your age

- Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)
Since im 17 i don't need permission

- Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:156265633

- Your general online times and your timezone
Im usually online from 10AM to 8PM - GMT +0:00

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
My very favorite server is FF2 #13 which is the only one i play on it

- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
This will be my first time as an admin

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
I'm an active player , i've been part of your server for such a long period and still , i really enjoyed admin's work , they keep away the bad guys and make the game fair for everyone

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.
*The spammers (text or mic)/Bully : Depends on how much / How long they will keep spam , for example they will get gaged/muted for 2 hours after 1 warning , 2 hours , 12 hours , 1 day , and permanently if they wont stop spamming/Bullying
*Exploiters : they will get a 2 warning , and then ban them for 2.5 hours , 5 hours , 10 hours , 1 days , 2 days ...
*hackers : they will get banned permanently if they didnt get detected by VAC and they got proven that they are hackers
idk my dude, if you can still edit your thing, i suggest you make it a bit longer on the lower 2 questions, and elaborate why you are the person for the job, you should also use some applications before you that are archived to see what and what not to do, for the rest i wish you the best of luck in your admin endeavors.
Sorry i made some extra details for the very last question:

The bullies and Spammers:
Gag/Mute for 2 hour
Gag/Mute for 2 hours
Gag/Mute For 12 hours
Gag/Mute for 1 day
Gag/Mute forever

Idling :
Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 12 hours
Banned for 1 day
Banned forever

Foreign Language:
Gag/Mute for 2 hour
Gag/Mute for 2 hours
Gag/Mute For 12 hours
Gag/Mute for 1 day
Gag/Mute forever

Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 12 hours
Banned for 1 day
Banned forever

Teaming/Camping as a boss(hale):
Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 12 hours
Banned for 1 day
Banned forever

Abusing the !CallAdmin:
Banned for 2 hours
Banned for 4 hours
Banned for 12 hours
Banned for 1 day
Banned forever

Ban forever (immediately if there is recorded proof)
Ok so,first thing to say,the application can use for a little bit of improvement on the punishment section,which is just made of three cases of rule breaking.Fix that a little bit.

Then the reason is a bit common and overseen,but I can go over it.

Now for the important things:you have enough playtime to apply,and have some nice sessions too (some of them of 3+ hours),there is just a huge gap that goes between the 12th of June to the 2nd of July.Can you explain why this inactivity?

The chat looks clear but sometimes you use some terms that can offend someone or just not suitable for an admin,so I would suggest you to clear it totally.

You also have two bans which were related to Exploiting and a gag.Now,yes you haven't exploited for a long time,but I would still take those in consoderation.

Now,those were all the negative points.Now for the positive points:you are friendly and you could possibly have the right attitude to become an admin if you just work to improve your chat a little bit more.You are enforcing the rules lately and that makes you a valid applicant,and also I can see thanks to your chatlog that you tell every rule breaker to stop.That's something really important.

Now I don't want to give you a -1,but I can't give you a +1 either by now.Just staying NEUTRAL to see how you will behave in this period and if something in your chat changes.

You will have my final opinion by the end of this week.

I wish you good luck.

EDIT:The applicant actually made a list with more punishments while I was writing this,yeah

  • Agree
Reactions: White Falcon
As promised,here I am to give my final feedback.

First thing first,I would like to summon the other admins from #13 FF2 to give their opinions too. (obviously excluding Lieva,inactive for personal reasons) @Monster @IceSoul.

So,last week I asked you to improve your chat,and overall I see you clearly did,no more non-suitable words but normal context words and also warning for players to respect the rules.

You do deserve a +1 and I wish you good luck!
  • Friendly
Reactions: White Falcon
My opinion cant give you really a+1 or -1, because i dont have the play time to say anything about you. I believe in Tekkit and Monster that they will decide rightly. Good luck!
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