Declined Admin Aplication (1 Viewer)

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david unable

New Member
Jan 16, 2015
Your name and/or nickname
name david nick unable

Your age (if under 15, state here who gave you permission to apply)
im 20 :3

Your Steam2 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)

Your general online times and your timezone
i play dodgeball community. im searching for job so i play all the day :D

Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
Im playing dodgeball panda community for 3 years

Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)
No but i can purchase if i need to(np)

Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
i was admin a lot of times but on other games.i have a lot of friends that are admin on community so they can help me 2

Why should we choose you to be part of our team
Because I play all day and I saw many players that complain about stealing and blocking sometimes some of them get mad and start cursing.they called admins but often they never get answer so they go out of the server. I want to stop not seeing admins on the server often. and i saw that u are searching for a admin .Im good with evryone on this server and I think I'm playing well.

Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments
For stealing first warn him nicely and asked him to stop if he do not understand i will explain to him. If he continues with stealing i will give him last warning and ordered him to stop or he will be punished.If he continues to steal i will kill him :3 For hacking i will check 3 times to be sure that he hack if he rly hack i will ban him. For micspamming 1st i will ask him nicely to stop, if he continues i will give him mute for a while.for blocking i will order him to stop , and if he do not obey i will kill him.I will explain the rules for the new players,i will help players to play better and of course I will not let ugly and unnecessary vocabulary

dear david :3
Yes from me, its good player and nice guy :-) But i let decide admins.
Normal members do not get a say in the vote of admin applications, it's entirely down to the admins.
I find it hard to believe you're 20. You're immature, impatient, and to top it off your English isn't good (in the app it's not so bad but in steam you said some very odd, incomprehensible stuff).

17 January 2015
11:33 - Unable: and?
11:33 - EvoWarrior5: and what?
11:33 - Unable: im acceped?
11:33 - Unable: accepted

Asking multiple times when you will be accepted, how long you'll have to wait, how many votes it would take; driving me crazy. And it's only been a day.

11:35 - Unable: i am admin now?
11:36 - Unable: or not?
11:36 - Unable: :D

Aaand that just came in. Really, I don't believe you're 20 looking at how immature you sound. I cannot show the chatlog from yesterday as that has disappeared, but people in mumble (Madact, Treat, etc.) can confirm what I have said as I have shown them excerpts.

Definite no from me.
I find it hard to believe you're 20. You're immature, impatient, and to top it off your English isn't good (in the app it's not so bad but in steam you said some very odd, incomprehensible stuff).

17 January 2015
11:33 - Unable: and?
11:33 - EvoWarrior5: and what?
11:33 - Unable: im acceped?
11:33 - Unable: accepted

Asking multiple times when you will be accepted, how long you'll have to wait, how many votes it would take; driving me crazy. And it's only been a day.

11:35 - Unable: i am admin now?
11:36 - Unable: or not?
11:36 - Unable: :D

Aaand that just came in. Really, I don't believe you're 20 looking at how immature you sound. I cannot show the chatlog from yesterday as that has disappeared, but people in mumble (Madact, Treat, etc.) can confirm what I have said as I have shown them excerpts.

Definite no from me.
u are never on server.on server all players are stealing and blocking players are starting to troll you are not doing nothin :c and that was nesesry
When I was playing on the server I noticed you said you where going to let your brother play. I'm a little uneasy with that, I expect admins to have their own account and to be responsible for that account.
Is it common that your brother plays on your account?
My brother can visit me once on a year cos i live in another country so he cames into my house and ofc i gave him to play i dont want to be a bad brother. I was watching him and he didnt make anything wrong and I have own acc.
All I want is to give me a chance to try to be admin if the problem is that I'm impatient and I do not know exactly English I can work on that and forgive me if I've offended anybody.
All I want is to give me a chance to try to be admin if the problem is that I'm impatient and I do not know exactly English I can work on that and forgive me if I've offended anybody.

I'm sorry, EvoWarrior has already given you your answer.
We have 2 other dodgeball applicants open at the moment of which I'm more familiar and comfortable with, one in particular, and have just accepted another.

It's unlikely.
I'm sorry, EvoWarrior has already given you your answer.

If that had been the answer to the app, I would have closed it up. Fortunately this is a democracy, and my say is still what it is: a say.
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