
  1. Racer911-1

    Invalid i feel offened

    Well im not banned from anything but i just feel offended of the player Yuichiro (the guy that is gagged) But what i wanna say is im sometimes looking about some bans,gags,mutes,etc… But when i read this when Madact was showing what he said in chat: 21 Mar 2017 14:50:49 how are u even walking...
  2. mosteraz

    ITT I tell you why I resign and you give me many "friendly" ratings for that

    I got bored of TF2 and are going to take a few weeks - months off from it again. Will still shitpost on the forum of course until TF2 makes fun again and I (very likely) re-apply and hopefully last longer than on the day exact 7 months like this time. [/spoiler] [/spoiler]