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  1. Teh lolheavy

    A lot of Jailbreak Suggestions

    Get ready for a long read. 1: Fix freeday. Sometimes the particles don't appear, making it hard to tell who has it and who does not. 2: Make freedays killable by all guards, but keep the sparkles to distinguish themselves from those without. This is due to all the massive freeday abuse...
  2. Teh lolheavy

    More freekillers! YOLOZak and Scottish Serval Queen

    You guys really need more morningtime admins. :p I typed "status" about 45ish seconds in if you wanna see the ID's and junk. The round started with YOLOZak bowling grenades over the heads of the people on the yellow...
  3. Teh lolheavy

    Reporting ThatGuy for FF abuse, not giving LR, etc ThatGuy, Steam ID: U:1:170670771 (I dunno if this the the official ID or what, but it's what came up for him when I typed "status" in the console) I was considering if it would be worth it or not to post this replay...
  4. Teh lolheavy

    New Jailbreak feedback.

    Here's some feedback for ya: Your admins don't care about the players. Also; friendly fire is the worst most glitchy thing ever. I would rather have a warden that freekills then one that turns on friendly fire, that's how bad it is. Da Random was in a game today with me where the warden did...
  5. Teh lolheavy

    Feedback for the Jailbreak Server

    (This post will be brutally honest of what I think about the server. There will be no sucking-up and no sugar-coating.) I used to play on the jailbreak server, but have since stopped for many reasons, the number one being how the admins handle the server. Firstly, I have noticed many times...