Declined [JB] FF in minigames! (2 Viewers)

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Apr 13, 2021
So to my knowledge, FF can't be turned on in minigames unless one of the following things occur: The number of blues at the start of the round are under 3, it's in a minigame that involves ff (knifepit/arena), or if the minigame is large enough. Except, at what point do we consider a minigame being large enough for FF or not? The one minigame that comes to mind is soccer, FF is always played in here because the minigame is large. Knife pit on JB_Hop should be the minimum size for a minigame to have FF. I attempted to do FF in an area that is larger than this knife pit, but was told not to by an admin because the area was too small but moving the prisoners over to that knifepit minigame just to do FF there is fine, despite it being smaller area in comparison. I don't have a 100% proposed size in mind, but what I do want to suggest is a rework on this rule.

I am aware this is probably a non issue to many, but I don't think it is wrong to want clarity for rules as opposed to rules being vague and up to interpretation.
Correct me if im wrong, but you cant do ff in knifepit either because its also too small.

Any larger area should be fine, you dont need to explicitly go into arena. For example the theatre room in ml_castle would be fine.

Or in Hop for example the parkinglot or soccerfield.
Also like to put, even if this suggestion fails, i'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it if the rule regarding this were to at least become more clear and less vague.
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Honestly, I think it's fine as is, I usually just stick to using arena exclusively for ff unless it's a case where meatgrinder is legal. So I'm personally fine with the rules around ff remaining as is. Because I'd rather not have every other round be climb with ff when it's not a custom lr.
i feel bad for making u mad over normal day as props so imma vote yes
FF in minigames (as well as meatgrinder) is allowed as a custom LR and has been for as long as I can remember.

I personally think it should stay as a thing exclusive to LR. Adding it as a thing that wardens can do as they please might result in it being abused or misused.
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Tbh anything bigger or equal in size to hops knife pit should be allowed.
To add to this, I’d also be content with only allowing FF in arena and knife pits if we need to get to that.
I don’t mind a large mini game, but ff in a mini game that is large, but contextually small (like crush game, danger below or 9 square, would be quite frustrating as a prisoner. I’d rather only allow this on majority static games like obstacle course, or climb. We’d also need to think about the true size of games at times. Most climbs have a cage or small area at the end, so people that finish would be in a meatgrinder. I personally think this change makes sense on paper but could lead to many unfun scenarios that I personally would not want to play with. Most minigames don’t make sense with ff anyways outside of a small few from my personal experience. These can be fun, but I think that they make far more sense as a reward round via LR that is specific rather than a slaughter every round, almost every mini game on hopjb for example is larger than its knife pit. One note, if I had to suggest a change it would be to state that it is allowed to do arena in all soccer minigames, pool mini games, and minigames of similar traversability and size.
Correct me if im wrong, but you cant do ff in knifepit either because its also too small.

Any larger area should be fine, you dont need to explicitly go into arena. For example the theatre room in ml_castle would be fine.

Or in Hop for example the parkinglot or soccerfield.
Knife pit is another word for arena, I’ve asked a few mapmakers, they are typically made as an arena. They are a functional arena.
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Yes but also No.
I think FF inside a minigame ought to be fine as long as it's expressly stated as being Arena outside of Arena.
I don't want to be doing climb or obby just to hear the warden say mid-way through "FF on in 10 seconds".
If we were entering obby and told it was Arena and FF would be on at [Insert Time Here], then I could maybe see that.
I very much agree the rules ought to be more rigid and specific where Arena can take place.
Hop BK is definitely "big" enough, but still feels very restrictive and feels more akin to meatgrinder than Arena.
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