Declined [JB] Ban the +use command (1 Viewer)

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Jun 8, 2020
This only applies to some maps in the gamemode, but it can be really infuriating as a BLU to restrict reds from doing certain actions such as not hitting a certain button or not hitting the soccer ball in soccer yet if you have a bunch of REDs gathered at X, then it's hard to tell who exactly did it. Granted the same could be applied to when you melee a button, but the +use circumvents that restriction.
Possibly one of the more thoughtless suggestions here.

You can't apply a ban to a command for "certain maps". Either it stays as a command to not use it, or it's banned in general, but you can't just decide where you can say it and where you can't.
This only applies to some maps in the gamemode, but it can be really infuriating as a BLU to restrict reds from doing certain actions such as not hitting a certain button or not hitting the soccer ball in soccer yet if you have a bunch of REDs gathered at X, then it's hard to tell who exactly did it. Granted the same could be applied to when you melee a button, but the +use circumvents that restriction.
No, if the order is to not hit any buttons, then this also applies hitting them using +use. While its harder to tell, its certainly not impossible if you pay close attention.
Its also a nice quality of life thing for blus since you dont need to waste any ammo and is a tad quicker.
yet if you have a bunch of REDs gathered at X, then it's hard to tell who exactly did it.

Its gonna be the same when enforcing this rule, it'll be difficult to tell who's using +use or not.
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Yeah, this suggestion really isn't a good one imo. Straight up banning use of +use just really fucks with some QOL stuff for both teams. Sure it can sometimes mask who interacted with a button. But it's usually not a huge deal. Like, yes. It can sometimes be used to exploit. But the person who does that will just get punished for exploiting anyways.
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Are you talking about having to have players be monitored for +use use? Yeah that's not gonna work at all, as it will be very difficult (pretty much impossible actually) to tell who +use'd a button if multiple players are near it.

If you're talking about physically disabling the +use command, I don't know if that's possible.
disabling the +use command, I don't know if that's possible.
It was pretty shrimple beforehand with setting the cvar "tf_allow_player_use 1/0". However now with vscript, maps can now force +use on. This can be fixed with stripper but it's a bother to do and could break the map if it relies heavily on +use.
It'd be cool if there was a 'button pressed' character animation.
That would be a little time consuming, both to make and for the round itself.

Personally, I wish there was a plug-in where it would announce if someone used +use, whether it's in text chat, or in command console
The only confusion I see the command causing is in trivia. I think it’s more of a nice cool little feature than anything else, also I think that the feature is pretty neat in general. Along with that, if you watch the reds closely you can see if people are griefing with it. They still have to be in melee range and looking at it to use the feature.
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