Declined Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2015
Username : _Black

Steam32 ID : STEAM_0:0:102644436

Your Age :

Your Playtime : 71d 20:43:29h

Bans/Comms : Bans

Server you are applying for : US Jailbreak

Timezone / Online Times : GMT+1 6pm - 10 pm on Weekdays.
Mostly full availability on the Weekends.

Do you have a working Microphone : Yes, I do.

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator : None

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
I have been enjoying Panda Community since 2015 when i was playing majority of DR.
Later came into the Jailbreak server and enjoyed it ever since with this community, made alot of friends and shared
memorable moments together.
As of now 2024, there has been alot of good and bad times but it never gets boring.

The reason I have decided to apply again, is because I know im ready to handle the responsibility that
comes with being admin and to make people aware of the rules or to punish people that break them, to make
the gamemode as enjoyable as possible for everyone on the server.

I have improved alot in my behaviour, and my communication, chatlogs may not be
10/10 but I think its a solid 8/10.
Forum activity has also picked up recently making steady reports of rulebreakers, and trying
to get the playerbase a bit more together by sharing funny moments on the Jailbreak threats.

Im also working on my strictness of the enforcement of the rules which seemed to annoy some players.
I want to help the current staff by adding additional coverage in Timezones and with steady activity.
I have a good understanding of the rules, and if I am unsure of something I always ask an admin for clarification.

Punishments :
1st - 180 minutes
2nd - 720 minutes
3rd - 1440 minutes
4th - 10080 minutes
5th - 43200 minutes
6th - Permanent
Cheating - Permanent (With demo/recording)

Sprays : 1st - Warning
2nd - Kick
3rd - Sprayban
1st - 120 minutes
2nd - 240 minutes
3rd - 360 minutes
4th - 480 minutes
5th - Permanent

Accidental MFK : 1st - 360 minutes
2nd - Permanent

Intentional MFK : Permanent + 1 Week server ban

@Denzel Crocker

Much love. - _Black

I apologize to be the bearer of bad news, but until you successfully are unbanned on the discord, your app will have to wait. Feel free to copy and paste this when the time comes though. It just doesn’t look good to have an admin that’s banned from the official discord.
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Actually, I’ll just put it on hold since it’s been much more than a month since you were banned from the discord, so we will just wait for the appeal response and go from there.
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I’m going to be first to speak, big surprise. I just happen to have free time. Of all the current applicants, I’ve seen you helping out the most, the sheer length of time you’ve dedicated to making reports and trying to help us clear the server of rule breakers is insane. Along with this, you probably have been one of the players with the greatest longevity, like really, you do not seem to get bored of the game mode. I don’t anticipate that you will leave soon, unless the server dies. Those positive things aside, I expect your reputation to get brought up by someone else, but to be completely honest, I think it’s because people don’t like taking word from people “without a way to enforce” their warnings. I think that situation would improve during a trial period. To wrap things up, I think your timezone is extremely valuable, and the reason you’ve had to make so many reports is due to lack of administration during the bulk of your connection time.
Im confident in giving you a +1, I know you aren’t trying to be overly serious all the time, keep up the work up on making sure you don’t appear that way, I’ve found folks don’t like it on the server. Great improvement since your last app.
  • Happy
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As Ian said, You have been the most active applicant making a majority of the reports I've seen around the forums and I thank you greatly for catching people I, nor most admins see whenever we aren't on.
I think that alone already speaks volume as being a great candidate, despite what the vocal player majority has said i think your willingness to not only cooperate but also divulge details on certain reports has really shown to me that the server is in good hands and that you wont go willy-nilly with the perms.
Your sessions are amazing and your timezone even more so, for covering hours most of team doesn't really handle or isn't on to moderate (me for example, I'm on EST and cant really be on during the early hours of the day nor late hours of the night to handle reports).
You're very forward and to the point on your reasoning why You want to be an admin and I can tell that you really are passionate about the community overall, my only nitpick which will get better as time goes on is your strictness I've not only seen myself but heard from second-hand accounts on the server and I think that really pushes some people away, however I'm very confident and hopeful that this will change as time goes on and as such
I feel comfortable giving this application a +1
  • Friendly
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Going to piggyback off of Ian and Koe and also give a +1 as their thoughts mirror mine.
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You're a nice guy but I have numerous concerns surrounding your behavior and attitude at times.

You help us out with reports on a continual basis, but you have a good amount of reports that have been partially rejected. You reporting these people gives me the inclination that you would actually punish these people that you are attempting to report which has me worried you will be too strict of a staff member and cause the server problems with over moderation. I've also seen you complain about the playerbase often ( who doesn't, I know.) But you've made comments like you hope the server dies and you constantly complain about the server more than I would say is normal. You have a good amount of strong points to your name, that being your amount of reports, playtime and great format but I just don't think a staff member position would be the right fit for you.

For those reasons, I have to go with -1. Best of luck with your application.
You're a nice guy but I have numerous concerns surrounding your behavior and attitude at times.

You help us out with reports on a continual basis, but you have a good amount of reports that have been partially rejected. You reporting these people gives me the inclination that you would actually punish these people that you are attempting to report which has me worried you will be too strict of a staff member and cause the server problems with over moderation. I've also seen you complain about the playerbase often ( who doesn't, I know.) But you've made comments like you hope the server dies and you constantly complain about the server more than I would say is normal. You have a good amount of strong points to your name, that being your amount of reports, playtime and great format but I just don't think a staff member position would be the right fit for you.

For those reasons, I have to go with -1. Best of luck with your application.
Yeah, I know that I was a bit too fast on some reports which I certainly improved on and I will not report for one time incidents if they realize their mistakes. (Unless its completely blatant like an MFK for example)

I did make a few comments about the playerbase being "shit" in the last months. But this changed heavily within the last 30 days or so it feels like.
The vibe within the server is definitely better from my perspective, I cant talk for the others but I think they would agree with me.

However, I appreciate your feedback and I will improve on the points you mentioned.
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Not gonna ask you how you'd handle videos like I did with our other applicants because you're, like, THE primary reporter. Anyone who needs to know what you'd handle can just look through your reports.
but you have a good amount of reports that have been partially rejected. You reporting these people gives me the inclination that you would actually punish these people that you are attempting to report which has me worried you will be too strict of a staff member and cause the server problems with over moderation.
This is perhaps my biggest problem as well. It's also something you've personally acknowledged in the JB discord.
To provide some examples off the top of my head: #1 and first video on #2, as well as having some personal side-drama with Buff over tf2 cosmetic pricing FloFliz on #3 and, arguably, #1 (afaict there was no warning on that individual)

I wouldn't disagree with anyone that you'd be a strong asset on our team and that certain issues can be ironed out over a trial period and/or with the ability to handle things on your own. However I feel like I'm too on-the-fence with you and there's a ton of competition over slots.
I will join cowboy as a -1. I wish you the best of luck with the application.
I get that admins are supposed to enforce the rules to preserve the fulfilment of having fun on Panda's game servers. However, in my experience playing with you, there's not one instance that I don't hear you chiming in chat about how this or that is "going into a report" and I fear that if I ever play with you, I'm walking on thin ice. In my eyes that defeats the purpose of the game and to this point I'd avoid simultaneously playing with you altogether.
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This has been in my Mails this morning by a regular and I would like to explain this.

I always enforce the rules by asking people nicely and explaining them the rules.

Some people however seem to not care and certain Individuals always respond with
"You arent fun" "Admins pet" or some other disrespectful Response.

And when they keep breaking the same rule even AFTER I told them, THEN im mentioning that I would report it, as a final attempt to have them stop and ultimately not needing to report.
If that makes sense to you.

I know that I seem very strict, but in reality I always prefer to not report people if not necessary.

And I belive that an Admin Message would have so much more impact, than some random "admins pet" donor.

Im not forcing you to like me, and I appologize if my way of behaviour ruined your experience. But please keep in mind, that I never had any Ill intentions.

If you have more concerns about me, feel free to tell me.
Hey there Black, thank you for applying

lets cook

I honestly dont have much to mention, i have heard some things that you acted very differently in the past. But since I cannot recall anything about this personally there is not much i can add, i will just focus on what kind of player you are right now.

In my eyes you bring a good vibe to the server and i dont really see any issues surrounding your personality, however i cant ignore what the other admins had to mention, whiles its true you are very active in reporting, you are also very strict and i think thats the major thing you need to improve on. As Admin, instant giving somebody a punishment for the smallest things is not the way to go

i would be okay with taking you in trial right now, but maybe you need a little bit more time to build a new rythm reporting and verbal warning people ingame, it will be a NEUTRAL leaning to +1 for me, good luck on your application!
ps: since i have not been aware of you comment to hoping the server dies etc I was not able to process that into my response,
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Cowboy and Crabf brought up extremely important things, however I dont feel like these will outweigh the extreme positives.

To the regulars reading this, really think about what Black brings to the table.
Incredible longevity and activity in a timezone that is truly starved, extensive knowledge of the rules and handles pesky rulebreakers, probably the best out of every current applicant.

Those issues do have to be handled though, sometimes your conduct is just a bit too sharp, everyones here to have fun and I hope this can be reflected with your behaviour in game, stay out of the spotlight and just make easy reports.
Nurturing the environment of our community is quintessential, while trial period exists for a reason, you can continue your strive to improve yourself.

I think you would be a fine admin and I support this application, but you really need to step up your people skills, learn not to care too much and prove a lot of us wrong.
The balls in your court, good luck :D
  • Agree
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My opinion may not mean much as I am just a regular player that has done some questionable rule breaking in the past, but I would still like to throw in my two cents.

_Black is an extremely active player that loves Jailbreak. And he clearly cares very much about maintaining the peace inside Jailbreak. He has been accused of being too strict by a few people, and I definitely feel like there is some credibility to those accusations, however _Black has acknowledged this and I think he will be able to differentiate between when a gentle nudge in the right direction, or a swift guard ban is needed.

I see _Black on regularly during a timeframe that most admins are not on. Having someone on the admin team as active and knowledgeable on the rules during that time frame would be a very good thing for the admin team. I believe it would cut back the effect of trolls during that time significantly.

So from the perspective of a just a regular Jailbreak player, I would be happy with _Black being on the admin team. He brings quite a lot to the table and I think he deserves at least a chance. Do with that info what you will.
Hey _Black, nice to see you! This one has given me quite a lot of thought. Its been a little hard for me to respond because I know you, and I know your a good guy, I also do in fact do see a lot of passion for the server and Jb as a whole, you care about actually giving reports, and you really do care about the server underneath the visible strictness. I will admit, I have my concerns about you though, and I think a trial period would help you understand things better. While understanding of the rules and enforcing is greatly important, do realize that getting along with the server and others make it a more comfortable and good vibe all around and that's what I strive to see Panda as. I also have seen a bit of excessive strictness, not only that but sometimes, although rarely, I have even seen misunderstanding of the rules. I will have to remain neutral on you, but I really do think you have potential to be a great admin, and if you are promoted to trial I wouldn't mind that at all, and hope that it improves your skills, as I do think you eventually deserve to become one. Wishing you good luck!
So I've received some private messages from numerous amounts of people invoking support for your application.

I still have concerns regarding your potential conduct, but you have a lot going for you in terms of activity and time zone. You aren't actively disliked and have a lot of people rooting for you.There also appears to be a few fulls willing to give you a chance and take you as a mentee if this goes through.

Willing to turn this to a neutral for now and let this decision be made by Kevin and madact in the end. Good luck.
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sadly going to decline this for now.
you may apply again in a month; 28.04.2024.
  • Optimistic
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