Recent content by Sin.

  1. Sin.

    Mission Accomplished - ZeroPC's Resignation

    Storytime was the best time! sucks to see you go, and best of luck
  2. Sin.

    congrats on trial!

    congrats on trial!
  3. Sin.

    congrats! ?

    congrats! ?
  4. Sin.

    Accepted USJB Application #1

    First of all, I want to get my opinion of the VAC ban out of the way. I personally (like semi) don’t take the VAC ban as seriously as the others, it was 2+ years ago and I know how much people can change (especially at that age) over that time. I got to know you months ago when you first joined...
  5. Sin.

    Accepted Toxicity US-Trade B(

    I decided to Lock the thread due to unnecessary comments. I'm also going to accept this report because of the aforementioned comments.
  6. Sin.

    Declined Ungag Appeal

    Even though the punishment has expired, i'm going to treat this like a proper appeal. After chatting with gold he said you capspam in short bursts, and this has been going on for longer than you say in your appeal. I understand people get excited but you have been warned before about this. I'm...
  7. Sin.

    Accepted US Jailbreak Application

    Good admin in the past, would be wonderful to have you back. +1
  8. Sin.

    Accepted UNBAN

    I'm inclined to agree with what Gold said, we will be reducing the punishment to 360. Please let a jb admin know when you are on the jb server so we can change it for you. Please make sure to look over the JB specific rules here...
  9. Sin.

    Accepted Guard Ban Appeal

    Accepted and removed the guardban, make sure to brush up on your rules before joining blu team here.
  10. Sin.

    Accepted Guard Ban Appeal

    please add me on discord so i can verify your mic, after i verify it ill accept this appeal. Sin.#2898
  11. Sin.

    Accepted Unban Appeal

    Madact asked one of us to do this appeal so ill finish it up. Considering its been 4 years I'm going to accept this appeal. Please remind yourself of the community rules here
  12. Sin.

    Accepted Illegal FF and freekill(?)

    Accepted, thanks for the report.
  13. Sin.

    Accepted Ungag Appeal

    Considering its been 5 months, and your earlier comm blocks were 2+ years ago im going to accept this appeal. Please refresh yourself on the comm specific rules here
  14. Sin.

    Accepted pingas | JB US

    Accepted, thanks for the report
  15. Sin.

    Happy birthday Abject! ? ?

    Happy birthday Abject! ? ?