Recent content by Cake1265

  1. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    Totally understand it, it was my bad... I know its happened and I can't change the past but in future I wont ever do this again I promise.
  2. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    Hello Tolfx :) , Yes and I am really sorry for doing that.. I didn't know what was going in my mind while doing this. As I said I wont do it again and sure I learned it for the future. Hmh after thinking about that, admittedly I am a little bit focused on it yea. I guess its a strange reflex...
  3. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    Well yea that wasn't good from me.. I will keep that in mind and stop do those things in the future.
  4. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    Yes I was, as I said in my application, I was in a long holiday trip and I wasn't able to play at that time. In the last week I was able to play more often again and I want to take more time for this server to be more active.
  5. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    It's only the connection, we both are using different computer's Hm yes maybe it was a bit too fast, but after I saw the announcement "we are looking for admin's" I really wanted to write an application. A bit longer before my holiday I already thought of wanting to be a part of the Staff team...
  6. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    Hello Tolfx! :) First thanks for this quick reply on my application. About my activity, I wrote above that I was in a long summer holiday trip and got back about a week. So I wasn't be able to play at this time. My chat activity is a bit quiet yes, but I am sure that I wrote more than 4...
  7. Cake1265

    Declined Cake's Application

    Hello all! :) With this application, I want to apply as an administrator for the Panda Dodgeball Community! Check it out.? Personal Information: Ingame name: Cake Real name: Patrice Age: 18 Location: Germany Steam32 ID: 88819660 My timezone and general online times: timezone: UTC+1...