Some SFM pictures (2 Viewers)

It's been a while, well I tried

LOLOL NotLikeThis. i dont think ur supposed to do drop on ur enemy like a plank man. Still i apprechiate ur hard work keep it up :D
Both of those go into my fap folder, cheers swagguh
Swaggy included the fishcake shoulder-carry and therefore recieves a 10/10
Someone plz gimmeh SFM ideas
So, I was never into SFM and all, but when I saw Swaggy's work for TriiX, i got inspired. The spy coulored of a soft red in front of a black background really reminded of some portraits of Antonello Da Messina, that I studied at my school this year.


An example of one of Antonello Da Messina's paintings. I know they're not that smilar but still there's something interesting that links the two pictures.

So that gave me the idea to try and make an SFM poster that would mimic a real work of art.

I went with something simple and I tried to reproduce the portarait of Federico Da Montafeltro by the italian painter Piero della Francesca.

This is the SFM poster I made:


This is the original portrait:


Thanks to @Picky ll that taught me how to use the basics of the program to make this.

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