Declined Applying for admin 7th try :O (1 Viewer)

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Active Member
Sep 15, 2014
Hello pandas to my 7th app. I really tried my best, I hope my grammar is good.
And I'm really really sorry about all prevoius bans. I don't know what I was thinking in the past :(
I really want to join the admin team and help the server and the players in it.
So if you gave me a chance to become one, I will not let you down ;)
Hope you will enjoy reading this. Don't hate me :)

Shall we begin?
Name or nickname:
So I've allready told you guys and girls my real name and I kinda regret it but anyway. The name I use ingame is - OMFG - Speedy. I don't know why did I add
that but okay.

Your age:

I'm 15 years old. Many of you are saying that I'm not, and I do believe you because I sound like I'm 10 years old you want to know why? Because I haven't hitted puberty yet -_-.
( I hate the fact that almost every one in my class hitted puberty except me) -_-

Who gave you permission to apply?
I don't need permission, but if you think I need one I'll ask an admin right now.

Your SteamID:

Your general online times and your timezone:
Let's start with timezone: Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00) I know that many of you know that I live in BEAUTIFUL country called Slovenia that has a word LOVE in it :)

Online times: So I'm ussually online after school 15:00 (03:00 PM) and till 20:00 (08:00 PM) or 22:00 (10:00 PM) or even more.
Weekdays:From 9:00 (09:00 AM) and I don't know till when... It depends on how tired I will be. But I'll be online almost everyday.
NOW that finnally have break from school I'm going to be online pretty much all day.

Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for?
I play on Freak Fortress 2, JailBreak, Trade server, Dodgeball 4 and 19.
I would like to apply for JailBreak (#17).

Do you have a microphone?
Actually I bought speedlink headset. I think its all right. So yeah I have a mic.

Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator.
Like I said in my apps before I don't have experience as Admin or Mod.

Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
No, But I know all the basic commands that I should know.

Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
Ok, Again I've changed myself over the past 2 months, I've improved my grammar, my behaviour in servers and many more things. I respect the rules and tell them to the other players ( not wrong rules)
I've really want to help other and new players in the server. I really want to join the admin team and help Cammy, Wolf And Bread in the server, but thats up to you guys if you will accept me.
I'm really friendly in the server, I would stop rulebreakers... I know I'm ready to become an admin, I know this is a huge responsibility but I can handle it.

Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job.

TeamKilling: 1-2 People 240 Minutes GuardBan ~ 3+ 540 Minutes GuardBan or more (it depends on how many teamkills he/she would of made) This only counts for the BLU team.
Freekilling: 1-2 People 180 Minutes GuardBan
Massivly Freekilling: 3+ People Perma GuardBan

Fail as Warden: (Opening cells when not warden, No mic on the BLU team, Typing !uw) 240 Minutes GuardBan
Failing as Guard: (Not obeying warden's rules For example when warden sais "only warden can press buttons" and the guard presses the button) I think I'll give that a 30 Minutes GuardBan

Baiting: 1-2 warnings ~ Then slay ~ Then a guard ban for 60 Minutes.

No mic on the BLU team: I'll ask if he/she has a mic, if not Guardban for 240 minutes.

Spamming in Chat: 1 warning ~ Then a Gag for 60 minutes.
Spamming in voice chat: 1 warning ~ Then 120 minutes mute.

Racism/Insulting: 30-60 Minutes gag.

Camping in armoury: 1 warning ~ Then 120 minutes guardban.

False calls (call abuse): 60 minutes ban.

Hacking: Perma ban (Record a demo and send it to a full admin).
Honestly I never saw anyone hacking in JailBreak... Please correct me if you think that In some bans I will give too long ban/mute/gag.
But anyway, I hope I did well on this one, I really tooked my time :)

Oh looks like you made it to the end :)

Why do you use so much different colours and smileys? Weren't this a suppose to be serious app. When the time comes and you are doing a CV of yourself and then you just draw it full of colours and smileys? U wont give a very good look of yourself to them who read it.

And honestly I think you should keep that puberty thing in your own information. I'm not trying to be offensive
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Why do you use so much different colours and smileys? Weren't this a suppose to be serious app. When the time comes and you are doing a CV of yourself and then you just draw it full of colours and smileys? U wont give a very good look of yourself to them who read it.

And honestly I think you should keep that puberty thing in your own information. I'm not trying to be offensive
I don't know lieava I just use smileys for fun...
I know you're not trying to be offensive, I just said that so you guys know why the hell do I sound like I'm 10 years...

Are smileys really that big of a deal? And colors too? Red, Blue, Black.
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I don't know lieava I just use smileys for fun...
I know you're not trying to be offensive, I just said that so you guys know why the hell do I sound like I'm 10 years...

Are smileys really that big of a deal?
Well as I said , it doesen't give a very good look of a person who writes it. One little things can tell a lot of a person
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Jailbreak admins will propaply comment soon , so we will see. Gl in you app anyway
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Honestly, I feel like this app is somewhat non-serious. From tons of different colors, to informal language. You are not really supposed to write a story about your life mate, it's an application.. Keep it that way. For example, instead of writing "Let's start with the timezone", write "Timezone" and keep it punctuated. It looks way more professional and nice to read as well.

I mean, the app is okay in general, but I don't want to give a vote as I don't really know your playstyle in-game. Hence why Jailbreak admins should comment on the matter. GLHF.
Honestly, I feel like this app is somewhat non-serious. From tons of different colors, to informal language. You are not really supposed to write a story about your life mate, it's an application.. Keep it that way. For example, instead of writing "Let's start with the timezone", write "Timezone" and keep it punctuated. It looks way more professional and nice to read as well.

I mean, the app is okay in general, but I don't want to give a vote as I don't really know your playstyle in-game. Hence why Jailbreak admins should comment on the matter. GLHF.
I'll keep that in mind, Thanks Da random.
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"I'm done with applications, I'm not interested anymore" - Speedy


Hi speedy, bringing out the rainbow again in your application?
Worked before as well right? so why wouldn't help now...
Anyhow, Since you broke a rule longer than a month ago you are allowed to make a application once again.

Your application looks "alright" besides of the rainbow puke over the page and poor motivation why you would be part of the administration team.
As a player I have to say again, that you won't fit in the team since you don't know the rules of Jailbreak that well and as proof we have you applying for the 7th time and breaking a rule just a month ago.
You can't handle if people won't listen to you and you always tend to act like a Admin already and "Demand" people to listen to you.

A -1 from me,
And as always: I am not giving this judgement because I hate you, I am giving you this because of the facts there are on the table.
I don't hate you and I don't want you gone from this community, I have to say this since everybody asumes that this is the case every single time I give a -1.
"I'm done with applications, I'm not interested anymore" - Speedy


Hi speedy, bringing out the rainbow again in your application?
Worked before as well right? so why wouldn't help now...
Anyhow, Since you broke a rule longer than a month ago you are allowed to make a application once again.

Your application looks "alright" besides of the rainbow puke over the page and poor motivation why you would be part of the administration team.
As a players I have to say again that you won't fit in the team since you don't know the rules of Jailbreak that well and as proof we have you applying for the 7th time and breaking a rule just a month ago.
You can't handle if people won't listen to you and you always tend to act like a Admin already and "Demand" people to listen to you.

A -1 from me,
And as always: I am not giving this judgement because I hate you, I am giving you this because of the facts there are on the table.
I don't hate you and I don't want you gone from this community, I have to say this since everybody asumes that is the case every single time I give a -1.
Wolf are you talking about that "admin impersionating" rule? Because I don't know what rule your talking about.
Anyway I don't know why you hate colors so much? It's just three colors, anyway people do listen to me and I can handle them.
Okay I know you don't hate me thats just your opinion, but thanks for replying.
^ This is the reason I did that because I don't want a chain reaction on here once again.
Judge his application people. I will remove the ones who has nothing to say about Speedy his application or Speedy as a person itself.

Simple. That also means I don't need any reply on this comment, please move on.
Speedy is doing an application again, well.
Your application is good but you wrote so many things about your life or other things that you shouldnt write in your app.
The chatlog is ok. Your bans, well. You got banned two times from Wolf for teamkilling on the same day, I dont know why, and another ban from Cammy because you used his name in Jailbreak but the bans were a month ago.

I give you a -1 but I wish you luck with your application.
Speedy is doing an application again, well.
Your application is good but you wrote so many things about your life or other things that you shouldnt write in your app.
The chatlog is ok. Your bans, well. You got banned two times from Wolf for teamkilling on the same day, I dont know why, and another ban from Cammy because you used his name in Jailbreak but the bans were a month ago.

I give you a -1 but I wish you luck with your application.
Bread I just got 1 ban for impersionating nothing else, Cammy messed up something with that teamkill because I did't teamkill and I never will. The main reason why I told you so many personal info about my self was because I want you guys to know me nothing else.

But thanks for giving your opinion :3
Cammy messed up something with that teamkill because I did't teamkill and I never will.

This is correct. I mistook Samba's GameME as yours, so that resulted in an invalid ban. I alerted Wolf to it but it was left.
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under review, result will be provided soon today.
under review, result will be provided soon today.
Since there are no results yet I'll just add another vote to maybe speed up the process.

I don't want to be the one that has to clean up the mess afterwards.
Basically everything Wolf said plus the fact that you're somewhat disturbing when administrating on jailbreak.
From announcing when an admin joins to interfering in almost everything.

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