Hey there! (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Nov 8, 2021
Hey there. I'm a player of great discipline. I don't cheat, I don't grief, I don't use gas.. my addiction is carrying. My obsession is becoming the best. My name is cgpunk_.

Hey folks, my name is cgpunk_ and I'm a regular on the US 2fort server, where I like to play and compete with other players to improve my own play, as well as bond with others and make other people laugh.

My pronouns are she/her and they/them typically, but I'm mostly fine with any other pronouns so long as they aren't he/him unless stated.

Outside of Panda Community, I am a regular in Mann Up's Mecha Engine tour. Almost every day I put effort in to better myself- my plays, my talking, my attitude, and by god do I love to interact with others as some of you have seen already.

Thanks for reading, see you in the forts!
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I have 0 respect for you, and will never have.


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Probably the kinda guy who insults and votekicks you when you use the gaspasser
Probably the kinda guy who insults and votekicks you when you use the gaspasser
why no gas
Wow. From an introduction post you decide to start drama like that? Sheesh.

No, I give people advice in MvM and don't like to play with people who use the gas passer in MvM since it griefs the team (think about all the damage bonuses you miss from it, mad milk, weapon charges, banners), and it trivializes the game for the player using it. So while it detriments everyone else, the gas passer pyro is advantaged, when you could have a combination of high damage without detrimenting your team using a detonator-phlog combo. If people insist on using it, I will discuss with the team about kicking them because of how it can be considered griefin.

Also, not a guy. Specifically stated that in the thread -- please read more before you jump the gun and give me garbage. Ty
ok i just like the gas passer in other gamemodes its good in mvm i heard
you have 1 year on steam and 493 hrs on tf but you write like you've been around since mvm was released and have been training religiously ever since, are you using an alt acc or something???
you have 1 year on steam and 493 hrs on tf but you write like you've been around since mvm was released and have been training religiously ever since, are you using an alt acc or something???
Over the years I've gotten bored of an account and wanted to just get away from the people on it. I've done this two times since the last 8 years, and my hours on TF2 probably go up closer to 3k

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