USA DB Server issues (2 Viewers)


Staff member
Oct 4, 2012
Ohai peps,

well, some of you may noticed that the USA DB Server has sometimes some awkward issues like lags or even sometimes spikes.
This is sadly due to other customers on the same node as we are who are abusing some kind of application or whatever else, i cant do anything about that sadly.
Due to the latest high activty in the server, i'll get a better server soon with more performance and slots.
The only thing that will change would be the IP but that shouldnt be a problem due to the steam feature.

The date when changes happen will be the 15th of september during the day, the new ip will be announced somewhere in the forums.

Bit earlier but who cares :p


currently also talking with the provider about maybe bulk orders, we'll see.
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In my opinion, 20 slots are more than enough for a dodgeball server.
Adding more would just cause more caos.
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i think you understood that wrong, i am planning on getting more USA Servers online.
Oh, that would be a great idea. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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So that means more Americans for me to deal with?

Oh boi
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Okay, made today late morning the last few changes and some people could already try the server out.
Everyone should feel a difference compared to the old server (Ping+Performance), i just finished merging gameME and SourceBans and it already works like a charm.

the new ip is:

The old server is still online till it expires and will redirect the may-existing traffic to the new one, the favorites should normally update themself within 24 hours.

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