Tell me what you think. (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
Hello people,

first off, we definitely need a plugin which either makes it so that class limits work in BLU as well on Arena maps, OR have a plugin that makes it so that we cannot even be BLU in VSH in the first place. Until then I would like a bit of feedback on my policy which I have been enforcing.

Whenever we are on watchtower and the team goes to BLU, the amount of Scouts immediately skyrockets to 9-11. This is NOT acceptable. The class limits are there for a reason, and we cannot have approximately ten Scouts running about. That is no fun and it is only annoying. To Hale, but also to everybody else. Whenever we are on BLU I usually switch to a different class myself to make sure there are not too many Scouts, but then there are still ten others that are still Scout. What I do is this:

First I make sure that I am VERY clear that I do not want to have this in the first round on BLU. I put messages in the centre of the screen, clearly stating that the class limit does not work on BLU, but that I do NOT want this to be abused. I clearly state I do not want more than five Scouts, and that if there are more I will slay until we have five Scouts.

Needless to say, into the next round there are still around ten Scouts, even if I have switched myself. So then I slay Scouts until there are five left. I used to just look at the scoreboard and see who is Scout but this is a flawed system as I would only be slaying the better ones and not the ones that are too low on there for me to see. So then I started slaying those whom I saw first (I look around for Scouts and the first ones I see I slay).

Even more needless to say, people get mad. Today was worse than normal (a guy saying that I was "noob", didn't know how to do my job etc.). I told him I had been very clear on my policy and he should not complain. Then I asked what he would have done in my situation, which he failed to answer three times. Of course I should not be all too worried about these stupid people that do not know what they are saying, but it had me wonder if there is a better way to do this. What do you guys think? Is my policy too harsh? As I also told the guy today, what else should I do? Just say in chat "Oh hey, can 6 people switch off Scout please? :)". That will NEVER work, this is the only method I found effective.

As I also asked Kevin, we admins need to be able to respawn people. That way, I could tell the people that I slayed to switch classes and then respawn them. That would already be a lot better. Though in the end, the best solution is to prevent these things from happening in the first place, AKA working class limits. I was just kind of wondering what you thought of how I do this.

- Evo

Sorry for the long post :3
I say the Scout get's banned! He's getting too annoying in VSH, unless I am a Scout, then it should be okay. (Hypocrisy at it's finest)
enforce the rules and thats it, they way you want to enforce it is your decision.

if the plugin limits people to 4 scouts then it should stay like this, if people complain about a bug in that plugin with the blue team then you should kick them. (depends on how they reacted to you)

i myself am a very strict admin in all kinds of games and i don't even care what people think about me, screw them.

live by the law, if there are flaws in the system then it is your job to make sure everything goes flawless, you have been entrusted admin rights for a reason.

as for the bugs, should be easy to fix right? the class limit is a sourcemod plugin and you just should be able to change some cvars to make it work with blue? or just fix it urself? should be easy right to fix this small bug?? i've used this class limit plugin myself and no problems for me 2 years ago..
I don't know the first thing about coding so Ron or somebody should do it.

It's easy to fix yes, but I did feel that what I did in this situation does reflect the way I am as an admin, which is important regardless of this situation being temporary or permanent. Thank you for the reply.
I don't really know what to do, as 10 players go Scout at the same time.

Isn't it possible to add classlimit to BLUE team? Some coding would solve the problem (, Ron). :fluttershy:
I think the maps make the teamscramble. In Dust_Showdown there is no team changes. Sometimes in vsh_cargo the whole teams are being switched (RED to BLUE, BLUE to RED), and almost everyone plays as Engineer.

You have the powers to respawn people.
DanEdward123' said:
You have the powers to respawn people.

Uuh no I don't? There is an option for "Respawn Player" but this can only be used on people who are still alive (could be used for example when they are stuck in the train on summercamp). It cannot be used on dead folks, which is pretty ironic.

EDIT: Danny told me the trick to it. Kewl.
Or..... Kevin could edit the Class Restrictions plugin config to just have BLU with the same limits.... lel.
Didixo ' said:
I say the Scout get's banned! He's getting too annoying in VSH, unless I am a Scout, then it should be okay. (Hypocrisy at it's finest)
Scout should not be banned, but it should not given to every 9 years old kid that connects to the servers. the class should be only available(?) for players where not delay the round to the next millennium(?).

If I am the Last Scout and the Hale has HP over 2k, i let him kill me. maybe i can kill him, but it will take to long and this is an team game and not an idle server :D
Implying 2k health is a lot.

Had you said 10k your post would have made sense. But apparently if Hale is low on health and you can fight him honourably for who wins this round you would kill yourself so people can play their game 1 minute sooner. BS in my opinion. People can expect to wait when playing arena, only Scouts that run without shooting do not deserve to fight Hale.

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