Stupidest Things You Have Done. (3 Viewers)


Jan 8, 2015
We all have done stupid things from time to time but at one point we have done something that exceeds the limit of stupidity one can have.

So this thread is made to SHARE those stupid decisions/Mistakes that we have all done.

Will start: I have spilled my coffee over my Old-boss's shiny new suit...That is when he became my Old-Boss.

ow its your turn to share the stupidity and do not be afraid,we are all at,at one point or another,DUMB.
Bullied a kid in school for no reason other than I and others found him annoying.

Even though we're friends now, I still regret it very much when I think about it.
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I had a party, and i drink alot vodka, i searched darkest corner and i went to sit on corner and started to laugh.
And this actually happens very often. I dont know why i love dark corners while when i am drunk.

Second, i was drunk and i made food, or not sure did i made a food. I made "omelette" with eggs, ham, cheese, shrimp , vodka and cocoa power, and i ate that.

third, I had a hangover, i started to spin crazily on chair, then i started to puke, on myself....
i almost kicked someone teeth in because he couldnt stop touching me.
also punching my lil brother over and over for the past few years
I was on a class trip, we drunk some (too much) alcohol and on the next day I woke up nude in the toilet idk how it happened lel
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My friend and I were once playing with colored water in school and we thought it would be cool to freeze it (it was cold outside, about -10°C). We placed the cup of green water on a window sill and went home. On the following morning, we went to school and noticed that there was a massive green stain on the wall. The cup containing the water had been knocked over by the wind.

Some other kid in our class had seen us "experimenting" with the water and told the teachers what he had seen. My friend and I both had to clean up the mess and it took over 2 hours to finish the job.

Don't judge me, I was like 10 years old back then.
Being in the chemestry room in school, we had to experiment with some St. Peter's Salt (I think it's called) and something, to make it smoke, just a little, and then we added sugar to it and it literally went on fire, and the whole room got consumed in very dark smoke, so we opened the windows quickly and students on the floors above us pulled the fire alarm, calling all of the students out of the school and then we met with all students outside, and then those who did it (me and 2 others), were claimed 'responsible' for this, and we got sent home for a week.

Approximately a half year ago.
I left my younger brother. Regretted it almost immediately, couldn't fix, regretting still.
Many years ago, i got very drunk and my best friend came to introduce me some of his classmates, one of them was very very short, and me being very tall thought his head was his hand and i literally slapped his face.
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I've bricked a kid with a paving slab.

By accident before you say anything.
I said "Asshole" to the Vice Principal of my last school. (Infront of 2 teachers and himself of course)

To my excuse: He really was a asshole.
Lets just say, my most emberassing Thing had to do something with the bible and a burning park bench :/

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