Resign #02 (3 Viewers)

Best admin this community had and a great and immensely fun friend to have, This was a long time coming but it's still very much shocking to witness, Hope to see all the great things you'll create now that jb maps aren't your focus!

You can't weasel your way out of being a furry @Semicolon Backslash...
resigning wont make us forget of your crimes back in 99 semi.

all jokes aside hope you have a good life ahead of you!
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
I don't know how you did it for so long. You were the cool teacher that let us have our phones out in class. I think everyone would agree that you are a role model for what an admin should be. Weather you did or didn't enforce a rule was decided by if it prioritized people's fun. And outside of the server too, I remember you were usually the one to add a missing poll to a rule change suggestion, or notify people of new rules and maps, and generally a very active community leader.

That being said, the more important news to me is that you're hanging up jailbreak mapping (forever?) so now I have to learn and master hammer for the sole purpose of expanding the xmf empire.
Thank you for being the funny man we all love 🫡, i wish you loads of luck on your upcoming projects goober
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
A, Fairy, that guy who strangled his cat on mic in 2017 ,JM_Frost,

YOU ALSO REMEMBER THE GUY WHO STRANGLED HIS CAT ON THE MIC IN 2017????? I'm KIND OF happy I am not the only one. Super weird stuff.. especially when he started making noises himself....

But how did that make the list over someone like me > :( >: (> :( >: ( >: (> :( jk

uh... anyways...

Thanks for the memories Semi. Ill always remember the last 6 years playing this damn game since before I was 13 to now as I begin college and everything. I'll never forget the time someone called you a YonkerBonk knockoff because your voice changed and it was weird and vaguely similar to his.

Its been like, several years at this point that I've played jailbreak and you were one of the only regulars who never really left. You've left an everlasting impression on TF2 Jailbreak, and us as people too.

Good luck wherever the time you have free from jailbreak admin and mapping.
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
Of all admins you always seemed like the chillest one.

And your work put up new quality standard for jb maps for me.

Can't wait to see what else you will cook in the future, have fun and good luck trying new things
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
You always brought great times no matter where you went. Good luck on your future endeavors and I hope you continue to do cool stuff :).
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
I was surprised to see myself on your thank you list, I am really going to miss you despite us being servers apart.

Thank you for singlehandedly carrying the jb mapping game, I will add a frog to my next map as tribute.

Take care
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
Damn, reading this whole post brought back good and bad memories of the good ol Jailbreak days from 2018, despite it being absolute chaos.

But it's such a relief to see another person tell @Addster he has to go to church.

Godspeed Semi
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
Even tho. We havent spoken that much semi its really nice to see that you still remember me. Its sad to make such a good admin go but i guess not all things stay the same. Hope that now that now you can enjoy life even more and do other things than to moderate a jailbreak server. I dont know man im not good at words im not even from an english speaking country.... but anyway- keep being you semi hope to see you another day (idk you are not dying or anything but is still sad)
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash
Allllllllllllll Reds
Alllllllllllllll Reds
Gonna miss you Champ, Godspeed
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Reactions: Semicolon Backslash

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