Completed Remove all vandalism rules from Jailbreak Rules (2 Viewers)

Remove these rules

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Nov 8, 2014

So it's been under discussion and it's a big move to consider so I thought a poll would be nice to see the reaction before proceeding with this. As we've had these rules in the thread for a long time I thought it was worth giving people a chance to discuss any thoughts and possible issues that will come up that we have to consider.


Breaking BLU building makes Prisoners gain the Rebeller status too, Minigame related building is an Exception.
(Breaking the razorback will also be added onto this)

The following rules are up for removal:

Prisoners can gain the Rebeller status by vandalising/breaking items/props on the map.
The armory door/vent is the only exception in this rule.
will end your Freeday status and will be changed into a Rebeller see the Rebeller rules and rights for more information.
BLU players must not vandalize/break items/props on the map. The exceptions to this is when you are trapped in an area where the ONLY way out is to break to gain access out and you need to get to a Rebeler when there is no other way in.

Keep things civil please. This isn't confirmation it is happening yet/now.
I could thoroughly get behind the vandalism rule being removed, lots of new players seem quite phased when they're killed for it and more often than not voice their frustrations with the rule.

Just to clarify tho, breaking the Armory door/vent would still be KoS right? I'm not sure I've been reading it entirely right
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I’m on the fence on this on one hand like Heather said many new players are frusturated by this rule and in some places like those windows near sweeper on hopjb it becomes a stupid rule that just gets people slayed/killed. on the other hand its an old rule that some regulars like for one reason or another and it could possibly create more questions such as “would wardens be able to restrict breaking breakables” (I’d assume yes) or others that will probably come up sooner or later.

And no @Heather breaking direct armory entrances is not kos and will not be kos after this change.
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I still think that the armory door/vent rule is, a very weird rule in my opinion.

You can break anything else and get a rebel status, but the armory vent/door? Quite confusing for new players I believe, seeing if they broken something before and getting killed, while seeing someone just break that get away scot-free? Might want to make them hate JB, but that's just an extreme.

But overall, I agree. Down with vandalism, lol!
I think the rule should be removed. As it is, the armory entrances not being kos when broken causes a lot of confusion among guards and people are often freekilled for it. Furthermore, the game rules are so much in favor of the guards that rebellers almost never win, unless there's a very small amount of guards/there is a bad warden (examples of things that reds are limited by: BLU crits, no charging/jetpack/rechargeables, no vandalism, strict AFK-freeze rules, etc.), so it would make the game more fun to at least allow REDs to prepare an escape in some way without being KOS.
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One interesting thing Heather brought up that I thought I'd place here.

Usually when Warden gets kills and it becomes a freeday, the guards(most of them) scatter and hide because all reds crowd around blue armoury like there's some thicc e-girl sending free nudes instead of charging on patron for explicit snaps.
If breaking it was KOS, blues would sit in the cell area guarding the area. Then people would agrue 'but we're not getting on with the round REEEEEE' when usually most maps provide ammo packs in various areas ready for anybody to grab. There are maps that don't provide this and that's an issue.

I want to balance this the best way possible. I'm terrified removing the rules not going to lie, but I don't want to teamban over it because little jimmy shot a window when trying to shoot a red or new player wants to touch the peach painting to see whats on the other side (maybe naked peach?!1/!?) and gets killed confused wtf just happened, leaves or screams freekill as it's not a normal rule other servers have (or isn't enforced properly).

Anyways overall I'm glad there is some form of feedback towards this. What semi said I believe that will be allowed the whole 'warden can restrict breakables' but that depends on the overall decision.
I am down for any reduction in rules that makes the game more simpler without making it unplayable. This may be one of the lesser examples but the amount of times I have to refer back to the rules because I am unsure even though I have read them over many times makes you realize how hard it must be for newer players to the server. Yes, I agree with the people that love panda JB for being different and unique to other JB servers. But man our rules can be difficult, also clarification on what warden can say around that like semi would be nice.

(Not gonna lie I don't understand why reds can break armory entrances without punishment but break random shit on the map? seems illogical like it should be the other way around. Like why would we kill someone for breaking the window to diner or some shit but the one area reds are instantly kos for being in is fine to break into as long as you don't walk in?)
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I feel like I should say why I dislike this suggestion and voted against it, well I cant really see a reason behind it I understand it will reduce the rules but everyone knows about it even new players after you tell them. Now having Blus to vandalize will happen exactly what happen at eujb inactive guards and helping reds to rebel easier.
Asshole signing in, not like my opinion really matters but here it is

The entire vandalism rule in my mind is quite dumb. I figure all the older players don't wanna see it get changed because of how long its been here. The reality is that new players that come on to the server will be warned at some point yes, but they will leave because the rule itself is disinteresting and petty. The other thing about inactive guards is unlikely. When people find out they can break stuff again, I seriously doubt they will run off and destroy every breakable imaginable and that having a serious effect on rounds.

One more thing id like to point out, the warden would still have the power to restrict vandalism but he would have to state it first. So in a way, nothing really would be changed ;)
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