Accepted Omega's First Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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Jun 1, 2019
Your name and/or nickname

OmegaRidley99, you can call me Omega or Ridley.

Your age:


Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)

Madact gave me permission. Thanks!

Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)


Your general online times and your timezone:

Eastern Standard Time (EST). I am on daily most of the week except Wednesdays-Fridays since I work. On my work days, I'm on after 5:00pm-10:00pm. I can be up later on my days off!

Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?

I wish to apply to NY Trade. I would definitely visit other servers for reports, but I don't usually play on those other servers. I would need a rundown on the rules and such.

Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)

Yes, I use it very often.

Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator.

I don't really have any experience as moderator or admin, but I am willing to give it a go!

Do you have experience with administering with SourceMod?

Not really, I only know basic commands. Like kick, gag, etc...

Why should we choose you to be part of our team?

I would love to be part of the team and help out in the community. I have noticed some admins aren't always on and I feel like I could assist the server in those needed times. I do have plenty of experience on NY Trade,since I am a regular, so I have a general understanding of how to administrate the server and know what is and is not allowed.

Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments

I would do what all of the other admins do, I would stack punishments and give firm fair warnings to everyone. (Except for hacking, that would be a perma after examining). I know the basics, the responsibilities, and what it entails. I have observed other admins doing their job and have a basic understanding of how everything works as said before.

@Inspector Lag

This is my first time applying! I hope it’s okay, I’m not the best at writing, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
From what I've seen while on the server, Ridley is never toxic and very clearly knows the rules. She shows maturity and discipline whenever I've seen her engaged in any conflicts.
She doesn't start any trouble and she certainly would fit right in with the team.

Since I forgot to add it on my application, here are my stats!


  • trade_minecraft_neon_v182_p3_fix0008.png
    329 KB · Views: 211
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Reactions: ZeroPC and Madact
I've played with Omega Ridley often when I've been able to make it on. She is usually with inspector lag, but I have seen her online without him. She's pleasant and when problems arise she's the most level headed of us all.
I do believe she'll be able to pick up on what to do rather quickly and be able to catch up to the other 3 trial admins. Might need a bit of work but that shouldn't be a problem.
Would also hope to see some reports from you on the forums.

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Reactions: OmegaRidley99
What Madact and Inspector said pretty much.
Ridley is very friendly and is well aware of the rules. She lets me or my team know when trouble happens on the server and warns players almost every time I see a rule being broken.
Her application is well organized and I am nothing but pleased with what I see and experienced from her.

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I would have to agree with my fellow colleagues on everything already stated, she’s a regular on the server, friendly, and also enforces the rules/ informs administration about ruling breaking. She’s generally in the same mindset when I see her and Inspector on, I even gotten to play with just her ( without Lag/ Lag trading) occasionally. Additionally seems like a quick learning as they’ve picked up on the punishment stacking which can always be worked on during trial phrase as well as SourceMod commands.

My vote stands at a solid +1
Ridley's a very very mature and nice person i'd say she should be moderating a company instead even a better admin than inspector imo :kappa:

Pretty much agree with everyone above, best of luck!
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