Declined koe admin app (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
- Username

koemi, koemi#5745 to reach me more directly

- Your age

21 Years Old

- Who gave you permission to apply?

the real mapper Semicolon Backslash

- Your Steam32 ID

Steam32 ID: 45323236

- General online times and timezone

I like to hang around at all times especially around the hours of 10AM - 11PM, I’m also almost always awake around the hours of the dead of night 2AM ~ 8AM depending on what’s happening with my sleep schedule. Since I also plan to work and have work on the days Tuesday and Thursday the time wildly varies, but know that I’m active!

[All times based on the East Coast (EST)]

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?

US Jailbreak I frequent almost everyday however, I play on the hightower server from time to time

- Do you have a microphone?

Yes! But I like to be loud word of caution

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator

My previous experiences as an Admin/Moderator were as follows:
- Co-Owner on a tf2 server alongside my friends and other old members of my inactive group (2014)
- Moderator and Trial Mod positions on Garry's Mod DarkRP/PurgeRP/PoliceRP servers. All inactive as of now lol (2015 - 2017)
- Short position as admin on a JailRP Garry's Mod server I frequented over the summer; Now inactive (2016?)
- "Used to" be admin on a Surf server in the TF2 mod, Team Fortress 2 Classic, position as of now (2022) is unclear but it’s most likely those permissions were revoked

- What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?

Honestly? I think I'd be a good fit because of my personality, I'm loud sure but I'm bright, straight to the point I guess and would enforce the rules of the server if need be. I also think there can be a lack of order or action taken place, especially when someone comes on just to mess around and Mass Freekill, spam the microphone, spam or even flood the chat with random words/binds and I feel restricted and that I want to do something but I can't and have to wait for an admin to hopefully get on, when the damage has already been done and they're probably long gone. To add on, I think a personality could go a long way. Especially in a position such as Moderator, Admin, etc. because it shows that you're still just like everybody else, a human at the least - but with a neat tag! - Kinda shown in my Jailbreak Punishment Rundown, I want to give players a sense of closeness or a some form of safety so I'm not taken the wrong way and seen as the "Laidback, lazy moderator who lets us do what we want!" because then it opens the way for people to use and abuse the rules as they see fit and they'll see me as an outlet for that, and its not something I seek to achieve when in that position because I know that in the end, we're all here to have fun. If I were to ever break a rule in a position of higher authority, I will accept any and all punishments that come my way, I may be human but I hope to god I'm not an idiot and mess up; In any case, should such an even happen I will step down and take all proper punishments.


Baiting (If intentional or otherwise):
- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning #1+ A slap to either move them out of the path of the red or away from
- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning #2 + Another slap
- A slay to said player baiting a red / mass bait of reds
- 3 Hour GuardBan
- (If they continue even after the GuardBan) 8 Hour GuardBan
- (If they STILL continue) PermaGuardBan

Ghosting (Revealing a person's location if by joke or real info):
- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning
- Second Verbal/Text Warning
- 4 Hour Gag / Mute
- 8 Hour Gag / Mute
- 1 Day Gag / Mute
- Perm Gag / Mute

General Rule Breaking (LR Denials, FailWarden):
- Verbal and/or Text Warning
- Second Verbal Warning / Text Warning
- 4 Hour GuardBan
- 8 Hour GuardBan
- 1 Day GuardBan
- Perma GuardBan

Freekilling* (If by intention or willingly):
- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning + Respawn player(s) - Maybe it was an accident?
- Verbal Warning/Text Warning 2 + Respawn player(s)
- A slay to said player
- 8 Hour GuardBan
- 12 Hour GuardBan
- 1 Day GuardBan
*More Severe Charges in MFK section

Mass Freekilling (On Purpose):
- Permanent GuardBan

Spam of Chat in any form (Mic Spam, Chat Spam, etc.):
- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning
- 2 Hour Gag / 2 Hour Mute
- 4 Hour Gag / 4 Hour Mute
- 6 Hour Gag / 6 Hour Mute
- 1 Day Gag / 1 Day Mute
- Perm Gag / Mute

Insulting (and General Toxicity):
- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning
- 2 Hour Gag / 2 Hour Mute
- 4 Hour Gag / 4 Hour Mute
- 6 Hour Gag / 6 Hour Mute
- 1 Day Gag / 1 Day Mute
- Perm Gag / Mute

- Verbal Warning and/or Text Warning
- 2 Hour Gag / 2 Hour Mute
- 4 Hour Gag / 4 Hour Mute
- 6 Hour Gag / 6 Hour Mute
- 1 Day Gag / 1 Day Mute
- Perm Gag / Mute

- Permanent Ban

Exploiting (Abuse of Map Flaw for personal gain or to harm others experiences):
- Verbal Warning / Text Warning followed by a Slay
- 3 Hour Ban
- 6 Hour Ban
- 9 Hour Ban
- 1 Day Ban
- 1 Week Ban
- Perma Ban
Inappropriate Sprays:
- Verbal Warning / Text Warning
- Permanent Sprayban until person in question files an unban on the forums.



Few Extra Notes / Answering the unspoken questions:
- What would you do if one of your friends or a well known jailbreak player was breaking rules? how would you respond?

Hand out multiple if not more warnings than usual, then lead into the slay/guardban/etc. Punishments, just because they’re my friends doesnt really mean i can give them the floor to do whatever they want to do. I’d still joke around with them, just give them the same treatment as any other player/regular that joins. They should know the rules.

- How would you respond to an accidental MFK compared to an intentional one?

If the mfk is accidental and said player had no clue reds were in the area (or just happen to be shooting an explosive / flamethrower / projectile into a crowd at the time) then the 2 or 4 hour guardban applies

- Would there be any difference in how you currently act now to they way you'd act if you obtained a position of power?

The one thing I fear in a position of power is that I lose myself in the moment and cause a lot of things I normally wouldn’t do. In the context of Jailbreak, I feel I would restrain myself and be “””lenient””” but not on the level of “do whatever you want because i’m the COOL admin!”. To answer the question, no I dont think there’d be much of a difference in my personality if I were to become an admin.
This punishment system is super complicated, we will probably ask you to use ours if you get accepted, but if you can use it and apply accurate length punishments to severity I have no quarrels. I have been moving into my dorm for college, and haven't been on since about a week and a half ago, but I will hop on silently throughout the week to get info. In the past your emotions tend to get the better of you. Please do not let that happen again, or even hint at it. Otherwise, I am fine giving this a +1, being that all is good as we progress the week. You have good judgement (typically), and would be helpful with all these resignations. To even be allowed to apply people needed to allow you to so I think that you set your self up for success.
Ian pretty cemented my thoughts on Koe, I'm supportive of giving you a shot.

I have some concerns about you controlling your emotions. Otherwise I think you'll do fine but I'd recommend using the !calladmin feature or making more reports on the forums. Assuming you can do that consider this a +1.
  • Agree
Reactions: koe
With Cridove signed for inactivity , Opendanger and CurbF accepted after this application was posted it's time to put this under review!

Any questions or inactivity during under review please contact me directly via steam/discord/forum PM. Good luck ::):
  • Happy
Reactions: ballsack and koe
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