Declined [JB] Capping Blue numbers (1 Viewer)

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Gameserver Admin
Nov 8, 2019
Hello, on a full JB server, the scoreboard looks like this

Screenshot (1516).png

9 blues with crits for 22 reds is completely overkill, it removes a lot of chance for rebelling and makes rounds significantly duller as a result
I am proposing we put a cap on the number of blues to 6, I am open to changing this number
I am a bit worried with the likelihood that a full server has 6 blus that have no idea what they’re doing. I mean there totally have been times where 6 blus were god awful and only like 2 or 3 actually knew what they were doing and were single handedly saving the server from being a terrible experience.

Idk maybe it’ll work but I would want to know what y’all have to say about this concern, but this just feels like changing something that’s basically a non issue.
if you think about it. some blus dont have good aim so they are gonna crutch ,maybe even wheelchair, off crits, but other blus are very good so they can equate to more than just 1 person, theres really no way to balance it ,though im still gonna vote for yes restrict to 6.
Hello, on a full JB server, the scoreboard looks like this

View attachment 30574

9 blues with crits for 22 reds is completely overkill, it removes a lot of chance for rebelling and makes rounds significantly duller as a result
I am proposing we put a cap on the number of blues to 6, I am open to changing this number
Now show the scoreboard at the end of the round, guaranteed majority of blue team is going to be dead.
100% agree here, because the only limit atm is you can have a max of 1 blu per 2 reds that's insane, leads to complete overkill. I think it should be readjusted for higher player counts. since sure, if there's like 8 people, 2 blus is fine. but at a full server you can get 10 blus for 22 reds, it's stupid. since blus can literally just guard every possible escape route. I think it should be changed to a max of 1 blu per 3 reds. So at full you can reach 8 blus and 24 reds. At most? 1 blu per 4 reds, but that is pushing it a bit much imo as it negatively affects middle sized servers.
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I like solely rebel and think this wouldn't be a good change- on a full team of blus some of them are not going to be helpful, and you only have to get to warden. And it forces you to get creative, which i really like. Having to locate blindspots as well. I am in favor of keeping it how it is, I think it's fair.
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regardless I think having the warden be the weak point should be enough of a weakness. If the numbers get that high it’s very unusual, and usually follows a failround from what I’ve seen.
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9 blues with crits for 22 reds is completely overkill, it removes a lot of chance for rebelling and makes rounds significantly duller as a result
I am proposing we put a cap on the number of blues to 6, I am open to changing this number
Your point has some merit but I don't think that is why its overkill. The reason why it feels this way is because its the skill level that matters. If you are against 9 experienced blues that will literally delete you from existence if they see you rebel, of course its gonna feel extremely difficult to rebel. On the other hand, 9 inexperienced blues make it easier to rebel, because they are literally doo doo inexperienced after all. If you limit it to 6 then sure, you solved the problem of it being overkill on the perspective that there are actually competent blues, but in the twist of events, you made it easier for the reds to literally coordinate (And it doesn't have to be a good one at that) a rush attack on the warden that only serves for more failrounds.

If you still want to cap the blue count, I suggest going with Calassics idea of ratioing the team count rather than just hard capping. I don't know but I feel like we don't need this change unless there's like a influx of competent blues.
How about we set a blue to red ratio instead if hard capping it?
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What Mehgend and TRGGB2 have said mirrors my own thoughts. The problem is, more often than not in fact, you'll have 8 or 9 BLUs who don't know what they're doing, on the other hand I've seen 3 or 4 BLUs be able to successfully do a round from start to finish without a fail.
How about we set a blue to red ratio instead if hard capping it?
We currently have a 1:2 BLU/RED ratio in effect right now via autobalance, though I'm not against increasing it to say, 1:3.
I've always had some issues with BLUs having crits... But in my opinion the BLU count isn't the sole issue here. BLU count shouldn't be capped, and I will propose an idea that myself and other people I know share. Removing BLU's warden crits for warden mini-crits could remedy situations like this. It would be a big change, but considering these notes below... It could be a valid change to make.
  1. Mini-crits aren't as powerful as crits, yes, but they can still give BLUs an edge against REDs by removing damage fall-off if warden hasn't locked.
  2. It still incentivizes BLUs to protect the warden. Which is part of their job.
  3. This would give REDs some chance of surviving as they run off to rebel. It would also make rushing an unattentive warden or BLU a bit easier without being deleted instantly.
  4. (Though it is less of a reason as the previous ones.) It makes playing BLU more skillful. They have to hit their shots to some degree instead of sitting back and relying on crits doing the work for them.
How about we set a blue to red ratio instead if hard capping it?
we have that already.

Skill issue thread.

Biggest Problem I see with this if a few donators are on blu other people that want to be on blu or warden, cant.
Because 1st Donators are favored from the balance.
And 2nd Said Playercap aswell.
in a 32 player lobby, 1:3 would cap the ratio at 8:24 which is a rather enticing option if we were to change it at all
this, +1
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