Jailbreak Applicant requirement of having a microphone (1 Viewer)

Do you think jailbreak applicants should have the requirement to have a mircophone?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 14 27.5%

  • Total voters


Community Manager
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Community Manager
Nov 8, 2014
This thread is to receive feedback about the requirement of all jailbreak applicants applying to have a microphone. This is displayed currently within the admin template under:

Do you have a working microphone? (This is required for Jailbreak admins)

So the question I have for the community is this: Should this still be a requirement?

A bit of a backstory about this requirement:

When EU jailbreak was in it's early stages this got added. It was found that, more often than US jailbreak, players did not want to be on blue team to the point where no one would join blue thus rounds would not start. It was then a given for an admin to step into blue team, no matter the ratio, to continue the round.

There is probably some other reasons for having this requirement, but I will leave that to the feedback received on the matter.

I've put a poll up but please keep in mind that this is feedback, not a suggestion. I've kept the votes anonymous due to the poll being only to have a rough opinion gauge on the requirement. It is not to determine the outcome of if we keep this requirement or not.
That requirement is extremely ignored when doing applications that I forgot it existed. Practically as Calassic said most of the applicants do have microphones.

But if for whatever reason the applicant doesn't have a microphone I don't see it as a major "this is a -1". Some admins like me try to go incognito on jb so we don't use our microphones to give ourselves away. So really it is possible to admin on jb without using a microphone.

It was then a given for an admin to step into blue team, no matter the ratio, to continue the round.
While that was EUJB moment, it is non-existent on nowadays USJB. Practically there will be at least 2 or more blues at the very least and there wasn't a situation where I had to take over the blue team ever during my time on jb.
I personally feel like that it still should be a requirement because having Admins talk just gives them so much more personality and interactions with the community.
But i think it should be declined just because they dont have a mic/dont want to talk.
We should perma mute Cridove and see how stuff plays out :)
If the staff ignores this rule, why is there such a huge number of votes to keep this lol, this only deters good regulars from applying
Honestly have to agree with Banana. Either way, the most recent of applicants as well as the current admin team have a microphone. Seems unnecessary to make a poll about this.
I think the reason for this feedback is being presumed of it's intended propose.
It is just to collect feedback about the requirement and does not have any underlining reason such as: a current applicant doesn't have a mic, someone wants to apply without a microphone, staff ignore this rule/requirement, or a staff member for some reason...magically lost their microphone and will never get it back.

TRGGB2 is more referring to himself and the jailbreak admin team (previous not current ;) ) about ignoring this requirement. It's not really a thing you lie about on an application as you'll be found out , if not by the jailbreak team, by the under review process. I don't believe it has ever happened in the history of panda community that someone has lied about having a microphone, but this requirement has been challenged to applicants when needed (usually those that don't play on blue team often).
If someone were to apply and be outstandingly good in every category aside from having a microphone, I'd say give them a shot instead of instantly declining/invaliding the application. I think it's fair to say admins without a microphone on jailbreak are certainly hindered in a few ways, but I wouldn't outright agree to decline someone soley for it. So I'd say get rid of it
I think it would be good, but they would have to be good at getting points across and everyone’s attention without using their microphone, which I know is hard because I’ve never used my mic

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