Honest thoughts on Miami? (1 Viewer)

What would you rate Miami out of 5?

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
Miami is a map that is very divisive among the JB playerbase, so I though I'd start a poll asking what you guys think of the map (THIS IS NOT A MAP REMOVAL SUGGESTION!). You can also explain what you think of the map in the comments.
It was good at first with all the mechanics but then it devolved into a shitfest of SENTRY CAR and the curse of being overplayed.
I think the overplayed factor hurt this game more than anything. Now that the map has been around and isnt played as often i enjoy it a lot more now.
People only play 2 games on this map: gun dodge and chainsaw sometimes prop hunt ig but thats it.
I think the massive overdetailing hurts the map the most, some games arent clearly recognizable or just arent even played/used to begin with
(Night Club / Disco) for example are never being used as far as I know.
Then there is the absolutely DOGSHIT replacement of the Stock Sniperrifle for fuckoff what reasons with a piece of inacurate firearm.
Also alot of minigames are near impossible for Heavy (BHop)

I sometimes enjoy this map but usually ill just rtv and nominate snowday or albany instead.

I hate it for way to many ways to get out of your cells, 2 windows that are breakable, the money part is also boring to grab, unless you keep rebelling to get it
It has a lot of unique things about it, my only problem I would say is the layout being a bit confusing to people who have never played the map, and the map is very skewed against blues, especially with our blue teams tending to not go above 5 players most times. The main skew is a loss carrying between rounds for both sides.
It is one of the most well-balanced maps we have in rotation and encourages & rewards diverse gameplay for both teams. It's lack of minigames for larger groups of reds was a primary contributor to a lot of people's burnout IMO since every round without rebellers felt too repetitive but I still believe miami is very well-done.
It is one of the most well-balanced maps we have in rotation and encourages & rewards diverse gameplay for both teams. It's lack of minigames for larger groups of reds was a primary contributor to a lot of people's burnout IMO since every round without rebellers felt too repetitive but I still believe miami is very well-done.
Sniperrifle replacement ---> Trash
The Money mechanic is a double edged sword, if red at any point causes a failround, blu will be low on money funds. Which just allows reds to cause failrounds on end, whether that be with sentry car or body armour. A scout is required on blu just to prevent reds from leaving out the back secret, especially when there aren't the funds to fortify the breakables. And with the current state of blu players (myself included). it's difficult to prevent failrounds once reds have the money to buy overpowered bullshit every round. Although I'm pretty shit at the game despite having 1300 hours.

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