Happy New Year 2014! (3 Viewers)

Bad kitty, you didn't obey. No treaty for you, and now get in the bath!

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Reactions: Red Eye. and Kevin
It still counts as a new year ._.
Oh I guess I can then yell on the 29th of December "Happy new year!" without getting bashed by everyone.
Well it depends of how you define the word "new".
Out of 365 days? I don't think 3 days is that much.
It's like if you bought a new phone, if you meet someone after a month from that event, I'm pretty sure you can say "Hey! I bought a new phone!".
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Reactions: Red Eye.
Plx don't argue here. kthxbye
the horrors of doge ;-;
Uploading this from Internet Explorer! I hope i'm not late!
Oh come on! Didn't you see the heart I put? :<

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