Completed [FF2/VSH] two certain map removals (1 Viewer)

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2023
Straight to the point for certain map removals

incredibly favoured for the red team, completely open with very little for the hale to go around, just not a good map to play around as hale since engineers will sit on the containers with jump pads (which I'm going to be commenting about probably later on in a different thread) whilst heavies get amp crited for extra defence, snipers will sit further back into the red area sniping you.

big open map that's dark as all hells, littered with trees that obstruct vision (in a bad way), I've commented before about reverting it or just upright removing it but I'd prefer if it were gone, big open maps are annoying to play in.
there're other maps that're bad, but due to reasons (nostalgia, community favour) I won't be listing them.
there's pending map fixes for other maps (rats) and some others, don't know when they'll get changed
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Agree with Hakurei
The visibility issues I've faced on that map due to the trees & it being night is ridiculous. However, I would still rather have a day version with some trees removed instead of the entire map deleted.

Sewers I cannot agree with, the reasoning provided, and the general complaint can be copy-pasted onto so many Panda maps. I'm generally against large maps and rather stick to medium ones, but in this case I don't believe there's anything wrong with it. (beyond its looks and plus the fact that amp Heavies will be nerfed in the future)
I agree about sewers, honestly it's just way too big and open. The only reason the map got added in the first place is because I guess people thought it would be funny to have such a terrible map on the server. I mean, just look at the comments on the original map suggestion and you'll see what I mean.

I dunno about hakurei, it's a pretty nostalgic map. Maybe it could be changed to daytime if visibility is a big issue.
I agree about sewers, honestly it's just way too big and open. The only reason the map got added in the first place is because I guess people thought it would be funny to have such a terrible map on the server. I mean, just look at the comments on the original map suggestion and you'll see what I mean.

I dunno about hakurei, it's a pretty nostalgic map. Maybe it could be changed to daytime if visibility is a big issue.
yk what, even tho autismo's reason to remove sewers can literally get applied on half the maps, i wouldn't vote for such reason, but since it's a bad map anyway, and removing one of those bad maps is optional now, might aswell Remove it ig.
voting yes on both.

About hakurai, im not into nostalgic maps tbh, if it's bad then remove.
Hakurei winter is worse than the original and I don't know why anybody said it was better. Reds have more cover on the top of the hill in the winter version when it's already hard enough to get up there as hale in the original. I would prefer Hakurei be reverted to the original rather than being removed outright. Sewers is a bad map to be playing as hale so I'm going to vote yes on that too. Where are the sewers anyway? If the map had a tunnel on each side to allow hale to flank the reds then it would be a much better map.
I'll miss hakurai, at least the older version of it... (Not winter)
It may be bad, but it holds nice memories.
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