Evo's Christmas raffle! (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
That's right, we're doing this.

This is how it's going to work: the deadline for entering is 24th of December at midnight. To enter in the raffle, comment below. On the 25th I will roll an online dice and whoever has the post number of the number it falls on will get the first prize; then the one who has the post number of the second number I roll gets the second prize; and the post number of my third roll gets the third prize. People may only comment once, and if I roll the same post number twice I will do a re-roll.

Screenshots of the rolls will be posted for comfort's sake.

For the prizes I was thinking of something along these lines. They are still subject to change!

1st prize: 4 keys + A Killstreak Market Gardener kit (should be worth about 5 refined) + 3 refined + a Dueling Mini-Game
2nd prize: 2 keys + A Name tag + a Description tag + 2 refined + a Bolted Bushman
3rd prize: 2 keys

Good luck.

EDIT: Treat is being generous again and he is going to provide me with 8 keys to sweeten the pot (that's actually way more than I had offered in the first place...). Prizes will be updated accordingly. If a lot of people enter I might actually divide the prizes over 4 prizes to distribute it a bit more evenly.
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Woah, I would really like to have a Prof. KS MG :)

EDIT: Guess it's just a regular one.
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Thank you for doing this raffle, dude.
That's right, we're doing this.

This is how it's going to work: the deadline for entering is 24th of December at midnight. To enter in the raffle, comment below. On the 25th I will roll a dice and whoever has the post number of the number it falls on will get the first prize; then the one who has the post number of the second number I roll gets the second prize; and the post number of my third roll gets the third prize. People may only comment once, and if I roll the same post number twice I will do a re-roll.

Screenshots of the rolls will be posted for comfort's sake.

For the prizes I was thinking of something along these lines:

1st prize: A Killstreak Market Gardener kit (should be worth about 5 refined) + 3 refined
2nd prize: A Name tag + a Bolted Bushman
3rd prize: 2 refined + a description tag

Good luck.
prise evo
but depending on how many comments you get wouldnt you have to use multiple dices? and in that case wouldnt it be bad to be the 1-3 first to have put a comment?

(edit) Since you specified the online dice it all makes sense.
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I'm actually really surprised I never thought of doing anything like this considering I do regular giveaways and raffles in three big groups;
Is it cool if I do some giveaways like once a week or something?

Purple is the superior colour.

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