Declined DooNis Application (2 Viewers)

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New Member
Sep 26, 2014
Hi. Before begin, my english is not good. Sorry. I know Evo said its important but i think i know the neccesary.
This is my first post, and maybe many do not know me here, or yes if you play in Saxton Hale Server.
I do this because some admins already know about me, and maybe i will have a chance despiste my level of english.

Name/Nickname: DooNis

Country: Spain

: 24

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41166767

Online Times: Random, but very active.

Do you have an Microphone?: Maybe you heard me

Previous experience in Admin/Mod: Years Ago in a WoW guild (Do not think it works a lot like experience)

What Panda Community servers do you usually play on?: Saxton Hale of course. Sometimes the Deathrun

Do you have experience with SourceMod and how it works?: To be honest, i know the basic command i need. But i learn fast.

Why should we choose you?:
Because I am a very Active Player (in saxton hale server). I think you've seen me.
I'm serious.
I would like to assist the admins are few, and usually when the server needs admin, there is none conected in steam.

What will you do as Admin?:
Do not think I need to do a lot. Because when read in chat "admin" in front of your nick, all people are good.
If I were admin I hope I never have to do much thanks to the "admin" in the nick.
If they dont.

Chat Spam - Warning, then 15-30 min muted. Depend.
Voice Spam or not speak in english - 2 Warning, then 60 min muted
Racist - kick, if he continue racism 120 min ban
Hack - Permanent ban
PornSprays - Will be informed and will be kicked. if continue, 60 min ban.
Many children play this. Let us be responsible and aware.
Any attitude that impedes the normal game (Camping as Hale, Teamming...) - Warning, then kick.
Insult - Warning, then ban 30 min.

See you killing hale.

If I were admin I hope I never have to do much thanks to the "admin" in the nick.

You hope you never have to do much? We need admins that take initiative, that tries to find the rulebreakers that bother the players when an admin is not around. Already telling us you dont intend to do much if you became admin isnt looking very well to me.

For the rest the app looks good to me, your english in my opinion is good enough but just barely. Just that point above that bothers me.
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I would like to assist the admins are few, and usually when the server needs admin, there is none conected in steam.

You don't even have me in your list so go figure. This may be because I had a little cleanup about a week ago, but if you were among that then that means that you had not spoken to me for a long time. Including reports.

I was going to check whether you do have Pootis in your list but your profile is private so I wouldn't know.
You hope you never have to do much? We need admins that take initiative, that tries to find the rulebreakers that bother the players when an admin is not around. Already telling us you dont intend to do much if you became admin isnt looking very well to me.

For the rest the app looks good to me, your english in my opinion is good enough but just barely. Just that point above that bothers me.

To explain better now, i will use a translator.
I do not know what the exact stereotype that you seek, but I said that the experience of what I`ve seen. When an admin on the server everything works fine (there are always exceptions must act).
As I said, I hope. If I have to act, I will act with forcefulness that I detailed above. Just what I said, because having the word "admin" before the nick is a help for the server to function properly. Sometimes where the admin enter the server, plays, and goes without need use any kick, ban, mute.. But if you play without an admin. It is usual to find more "trolls". I think few will deny me what I say.

You don't even have me in your list so go figure. This may be because I had a little cleanup about a week ago, but if you were among that then that means that you had not spoken to me for a long time. Including reports.

I was going to check whether you do have Pootis in your list but your profile is private so I wouldn't know.

I just have Kvn and Saxton Hale - I thought you had also added.
I try to warn only if absolutely necessary. I try to check first using the !calladmind command. I was also not sure whether or not could tell using the steam friend list. It may not be to your liking

My profile is now public Evo.

I do not know what the exact stereotype that you seek, but I said that the experience of what I`ve seen. When an admin on the server everything works fine (there are always exceptions must act).
As I said, I hope. If I have to act, I will act with forcefulness that I detailed above. Just what I said, because having the word "admin" before the nick is a help for the server to function properly. Sometimes where the admin enter the server, plays, and goes without need use any kick, ban, mute.. But if you play without an admin. It is usual to find more "trolls". I think few will deny me what I say.

The goal is to punish the rulebreakers, not only to scare them.
As soon as you will leave the server, the rulebreakers might rulebreak then stop when you're on.
^ And that is why I never use my admin tag.
The goal is to punish the rulebreakers, not only to scare them.
As soon as you will leave the server, the rulebreakers might rulebreak then stop when you're on.

Sure, Always trying to find them to apply the punish.
Do not know if you can see the times that call the admin using the command. I want all right.
Not only do I want to be admin by name. Do not think I will not do anything if i be an admin.
Also for the server to function perfectly. It is a server that that looks like it by the hours I've put, I love it. And i want it always online and working perfectly.
Well, this guy is a great, friendly and active player, but your English, as you said yourself, lacks a little.
Anyways, for now I'm neutral.
Well, this guy is a great, friendly and active player, but your English, as you said yourself, lacks a little.
Anyways, for now I'm neutral.
You're right. Maybe I need better English to be an admin. Especially if it is spoken.
Thanks to my last job I learned something. And I always try to keep learning. (If u see i write something wrong here or in the server, correct me. Way I can learn.
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That's what you answered for someone not knowing your language :

"learn good words kid"
"not shit"

That's what you answered when he told you "learn english" :

"learning it so?"
"learn spanish u"
"Hijo de la gran puta blox, que es lo que eres"

...I understand spanish.

"the fucking picmaxwell jumping around the map taking ammo. and dont kill fucking hale".

That's really not how you should react to these situations if you want to be an admin.

Last thing, it seems like you don't know how to use /t, it would be embarassing if, as an admin, someone ask you how to use /t, but you can't explain him how to use it.
It's basically /t <trade message> in the chatbox for your information.

Just saying though.
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That's what you answered for someone not knowing your language :

"learn good words kid"
"not shit"

That's what you answered when he told you "learn english" :

"learning it so?"
"learn spanish u"
"Hijo de la gran puta blox, que es lo que eres"

...I understand spanish.

"the fucking picmaxwell jumping around the map taking ammo. and dont kill fucking hale".

That's really not how you should react to these situations if you want to be an admin.

Last thing, it seems like you don't know how to use /t, it would be embarassing if, as an admin, someone ask you how to use /t, but you can't explain him how to use it.
It's basically /t <trade message> in the chatbox for your information.

Just saying though.

First. I do not know why you try to attack me.
I wish your post everything that says "Blox" to make sense of what I said.

The way you put that. You leave me worse than it is.

I'm not Admin. I can not react as an admin. Because I'm a simple user. And as a user, try to do everything correctly (we all have faults, Also you. Then I'll tell you why). If blox says racist things. How do you want me to react when he try to mess with me? An admin has to be more forceful and more talking about racism. An admin react with 1 warning , then a mute. I want to make you understand that it is impossible for me to react as an admin now. Just do not have the same position or tools.


That comes when people come to fuck the server and see that you can do nothing. Unless you use a calladmin has not served me well.
I think it is normal to react badly to that person. Hate racism and make me rage. =(

/ t "and the trade msg right"?

I want to ask you, do I owe you anything?
I do not even use the / t (I know now thanks to you i guess)
Some time ago I made this question to Pootis:
How !haledmg on numbers works?
So what is the pattern of numbers?
He did not know.
Is he a bad admin? i think not.

An admin will always be learning i think.
If I were admin would have to learn a lot.

(Rly i know how to use /t from long time. But i think u have seen when dont worked and everyone is trying differents ways to do... /t and !t)

About (we all have faults, Also you. Then I'll tell you why)



Do not get me wrong, but yesterday we had this spammer during an hour
You connected when he is online. 5 min late u gone and he stayed. Next DwarfSkiffa connect we said him what happening. And dont say nothing(10 min late the spammer still unmuted and in the server). Then finish the map, the spammer gone (idk if he were kicked)
(I really do not remember which admin entered first and second)

I insist that you do not take this the wrong.
I may have mistaken me. But I want you to see I'm not the only.
Plz show all chat with Blox. Don't make me look bad.

Anyway. I assume that I will not be admin for my English mostly. Because "idk how to use /t"do not think it is. I am sure that a good admin, as a person. Help other admin. I am also sure that some admin with more experience than you in something you helped. Right?

I hope that you find the appropriate admins ^^

See you killing hale! =)

That spammer got gagged by Electrod, so he did his job there though.
Electrod doesnt want to make you look bad, he is just pointing out that an admin should not use any offensive language towards players.
It is just a warning from him to show you to change your language and be nicer to people even if they are not.
About your english, it is indeed not very good and to be honest i think it is not good enough for an admin. So for me -1
+1 Electro for that.
All people know me in the server know im great with people. i can not be great with that people sorry. I used bad languaje right. But if u read the complete chat you will know why i got angry...
Is a normal reaction as an user. Not the same view from the point of view of an admin. In the case of Blox, an admin just mute him and done. But me... I used the calladmin with Blox before i get angry. Seeing nothing happens, as an active user of the server, Looking how an idiot make dirty in my favourite server. The time passing and no admin acts. Is normal i react like that. Or is just im crazy? :eek:

Ye.. If the good level of English is necessary, I am not the suitable.

/ t "and the trade msg right"?

I want to ask you, do I owe you anything?
I do not even use the / t (I know now thanks to you i guess)
Some time ago I made this question to Pootis:
How !haledmg on numbers works?
So what is the pattern of numbers?
He did not know.
Is he a bad admin? i think not.

Pattern of numbers are different from the trade chat.
Using the trade chat is actually a rule, and when someone is not respecting it because he don't know how to use it, you will have to explain him how to.

As I saw you lastly trying to make it work ("/T" ; "!T a" ; "/T a" ; "dont work xD" from your chatlog), I noticed that you weren't using it correctly, that's also why I explained you how to.
The "/t" can't work with a capital letter, just saying.

(Rly i know how to use /t from long time. But i think u have seen when dont worked and everyone is trying differents ways to do... /t and !t)
It works.
Type !togglechat to enable/disable the trade chat.

First. I do not know why you try to attack me.
I wish your post everything that says "Blox" to make sense of what I said.
I am not attacking you, I explain you something.
I already saw what happenned even before posting my message.

I'm not Admin. I can not react as an admin. Because I'm a simple user.
If blox says racist things. How do you want me to react when he try to mess with me?
I want to make you understand that it is impossible for me to react as an admin now. Just do not have the same position or tools.

The difference is that you want to be an admin.
We want to be sure that we will have a correct and respectful admin, not an insulter or someone who can't control himself.
We already have a problem like that in the past with one of our old admin, we don't want to do the same error.
Personally, even as a player, in the same situation, I would simply ignore him, take screenshots or copy sentences from his chatlog then report him, simple as that.

That's better than, like people would say, feeding the troll by insulting him.
You don't need to be admin or have tools for that.

About the spammer, I took only 1 minute to gag him, as I had to search for his ID, since he wasn't using a normal username, then I effectively left, because saxton hale wasn't the only server who had rulebreakers on it.
But that's going a bit off-topic.
It works.
Type !togglechat to enable/disable the trade chat.
Why if is !togglechat the automatic message say /TOOGLECHAT?, And others commands. Because can't use "!" in that messages or is an error?

I am not attacking you, I explain you something.
I already saw what happenned even before posting my message.
If you had put the entire chat. I would not look bad for the rest.
They would see the reason for my anger. Putting only my insults, you make me look really bad. Im very friendly in the server. And I do not want you to give me a reputation that I have not earned.

I have often seen the admin use inappropriate language. And you know perfectly well that they use. Then with some admins even joking. We can be serious without excluding "bad words" in our language like a church.
Now thanks to you I know how far can the "seriousness".
The difference is that you want to be an admin.
We want to be sure that we will have a correct and respectful admin, not an insulter or someone who can't control himself.
We already have a problem like that in the past with one of our old admin, we don't want to do the same error.
Personally, even as a player, in the same situation, I would simply ignore him, take screenshots or copy sentences from his chatlog then report him, simple as that.
If you're right, Pay as much attention to the rest of the admin chat's. First you have to set an example to other users.
(I also understand that many admins are not be easy to control them all)
You have to be more objective. And do not judge by some words posted out of context. Everyone who knows me on the server. They know I'm friendly.

Try to help new admin. Remember that you too were a "noob admin". (Generally speaking)

In my time in WoW admin (damn sect xD). I taught only two admins.
But always happy to help them. We do not hastle knowledge. We were looking active people responsible with their actions ... Then we taught them gladly

It's a shame that I can not speak English like you to explain how I really want :(:( I sound like tarzan right? xD

About the spammer, I took only 1 minute to gag him, as I had to search for his ID, since he wasn't using a normal username, then I effectively left, because saxton hale wasn't the only server who had rulebreakers on it.
But that's going a bit off-topic.
1 minute from u have seen him maybe xD . Thats off-topic. Maybe the part of the images and the spammer i should have posted in the right place sorry

Why if is !togglechat the automatic message say /TOOGLECHAT?, And others commands. Because can't use "!" in that messages or is an error?

"[Trade Chat] If you don't want to see trade chat, say /TOGGLECHAT."

You can as well use /togglechat or !togglechat.
If you write it with the slash, your command won't be posted on the chatbox.

If you had put the entire chat. I would not look bad for the rest.
They would see the reason for my anger. Putting only my insults, you make me look really bad. Im very friendly in the server. And I do not want you to give me a reputation that I have not earned.

I explained you something, regardless about your reputation, I'm not judging you.

I have often seen the admin use inappropriate language. And you know perfectly well that they use. Then with some admins even joking. We can be serious without excluding "bad words" in our language like a church.
Now thanks to you I know how far can the "seriousness".

Then show us that we're insulting mothers or that we're flaming with rulebreakers or even players.
Show us that we're talking that bad to our friends, even for the fun.

You have to be more objective. And do not judge by some words posted out of context. Everyone who knows me on the server. They know I'm friendly.

Did I say the opposite ?
As I said, I am not judging you.
Try to help new admin. Remember that you too were a "noob admin". (Generally speaking)

You don't know how I helped and how I am still helping some new/trial admins.
Some of them have learnt a lot from me, without boasting myself.
I explained you something, regardless about your reputation, I'm not judging you.
You're not judging me. But imagine you do not know me, new to the forum. You enter in this post.You see what he said,
and you can make a bad idea about that person.

It was so easy .. You could have explained by private message. (Then I tell her the rest of the admins). Post the full context. (What did you do your's as if I take a picture only the bad words of an admin. And then the public here. Out of context people can be wrong about others persons.

I'm not saying this badly I explain it. I demand that you just post the whole conversation. Or at least will explain the reason for my anger. Not like someone who wants to be admin. I demand this as user.

Then show us that we're insulting mothers or that we're flaming with rulebreakers or even players.
Show us that we're talking that bad to our friends, even for the fun.
Not to breakerules. Some days ago an insult admin / spam to Danny1988 (Joking i think). But if I had taken photos the admin may could get in trouble. I just want you to see that you can disturb a person if you take out of context the words. And those who do not know me be a bad idea about my.
That's what you answered when he told you "learn english" :
"learning it so?"
"learn spanish u"
"Hijo de la gran puta blox, que es lo que eres"

...I understand spanish.

"the fucking picmaxwell jumping around the map taking ammo. and dont kill fucking hale".

That's really not how you should react to these situations if you want to be an admin.

That's what you answered when he told you "learn english" :
"learning it so?"
"learn spanish u"
"Hijo de la gran puta blox, que es lo que eres"

...I understand spanish.

"the fucking picmaxwell jumping around the map taking ammo. and dont kill fucking hale".

I know before that he were trolling all saing "Fucker muslims, you sound like muslim and others racism comments"But that's really not how you should react to these situations if you want to be an admin.

You see now what i mean...? That I ask you as a user. not as someone who wants to be admin.
Next time please, send me a message, or dont use my words out of context. Post all.

If you want Please cancel my App.
I do not feel ready to be admin. Sorry all for the inconvenience.

See You killing hale! :wise:
Application canceled.
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